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I have nothing to do now

I just turned 18 and all my friend just left from my house so now I'm left to just lay down

I go back to school  tomorrow and the whole time my friends were here alvaro and Robert would not stop talking about some new Health teacher

I think they said Mr. Pablo or Mr.Poliboi some shit like that



That is what his name was

I don't care but I have to go take a shower and get ready for school tomorrow

I get up out of bed and grab some shorts and a Tshirt and lay it out on my bed then walk over to my bathroom

I close the door and lock it then turn on the water and make sure it was the right temperature hot but not too hot

I turn on some music first then

I step into the shower and close the shower curtain take a nice long shower and just think about how tomorrow is going to be at school my class for health is the longest class everyone in the school has one period That's 2 hours long and that just so happen to be health for me and now I have a new teacher just great

It's my very last period of the day then I have soccer practice with Alvaro because Robert said soccor is just not his thing but oh well he just sits there and waits for us to be done

Oh and not only that

I have lunch detention because they cut one of my suspension days short at my school

when you have lunch detention you have to eat in the Teachers Lounge with all the teachers for the seniors

At least my aunt is a teacher so I have her with me

I get out of the shower and dry off and once I was done I walked out to my room and changed into my shorts and Tshirt

I checked the time and it was 11:00 pm so I put my phone on the charger and set my alarm

I layed down and eventually fell asleep


Just to let you know Kairi is 18 now and Mattia is only 21 so they are only 4 years apart and because he's 18 it's not illegal but Mattia could still get in trouble for messing with a student

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