Volcano rock city

Start from the beginning

She arched a brow, smirking a little. "M' Carol, Barb's friend, the dolt that just ran off was Sid Fret. What're ya doing up here on land? We've not caught one of you up here in a WHILE."

'Jee, I wonder why...' He was a little shocked by his own bitter thoughts, but wasn't he justified in them? These trolls had already hurt so many, how could they be trusted? He half glared, his fins flicking up and down slightly in his agitation.

Carol seemed to at least pick up on his hostility, standing and crossing her arms. "Yo, why so angry fish guy? Just chill."

He felt himself bristle at hearing that, his ear fins twitching. He glanced over when he saw two figures approaching. It was the male from earlier, and Queen Barb.

He glared, an electronic sounding growl buzzing through him. He tried to squash down his anger, pushing himself up onto unsteady fins. "Queen Barb." It was an emotionless statement that sent a chill down Carol's spine.

Barb stopped a short ways away from Trollex, and smiled at him. "Hey Fish dude, what's up? What brings you up to our beaches?"

She sounded so cheery, which really, REALLY did not help Trollex's mood. He was trying his best to control his voice, but it sounded robotic in his anger. "How can you be so chipper...? Do you have any idea what you've put us all through...?" He felt Flow kick in at last, and floated slightly into the air, taking the Arial advantage for both intimidation and strategy. "DO you?!" His voice tore across the open beach, causing all three rock trolls to cover their ears.

Barb looked up at Trollex, her own instincts telling her danger was afoot, and she needed to defend herself. "What the heck are you on about? What'd I ever do to you?!" She immediately regretted those words as Trollex suddenly tackled her to the beach, knocking the breath out of her.

"What did you do? You killed so many trolls, all for what? For NOTHING! You destroyed my home, left my tribe without music! You attacked every single troll tribe and destroyed their homes! Killed their loved ones!" He pulled his arm back, hand balling into a tight fist. "You need to pay for what you've done!"

Barb panicked, bringing her knee up into his gut and using the upward momentum to throw him over her head. She stood up, panting as she looked towards the other rock trolls. "Get back to the city, don't let anyone else come, you got that? This is between me and him!" She turned back to Trollex, grinning. "Bring it on, tuna fish."

Trollex was seeing red, not focusing on Carol and Sid Fret running as fast as they could back to the volcano. He had his eyes trained on Barb, who was circling him slowly. She was leading his focus away from the volcano as best she could.

When she slipped on a wet rock, he dove for her, letting out a growl as he swung at her, He managed to connect a hit to her chest, knocking her back before he pinned her to the beach again. "You're no troll, you're a monster!" His voice was broken, cracked and distorted like a computer.

She struggled to get out from under him, coughing as she tried to recover from the hit. "And you're not? Look at yourself you pebble brain!" She reached an arm up and grabbed his arm, rolling in an attempt to tug him down and flip their pin.

He let out a pained scream, his injured arm jerking in the socket as he was thrown onto his back. He used his good arm to claw at her face, managing to scratch along her cheek before darting out from beneath her.

The two panted, Barb whipping the blood from her cheek before licking it from her hand. Trollex held his arm tightly, shaking from the pain and anger. Why couldn't he take her out? She was all alone, no guitar, no other rock trolls, so why couldn't he win? "Would you just go down already?! Give up!"

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