The conductor smiled softly, floating down to talk a little easier with Trollex, hovering just above the surface of the water. "You have a big heart, King Trollex... I thank you for your concern, but rest assured, the former owner would have been more than happy to host you were they still with us... How about this as an alternative. You could stay with me for the night; I have a guest bedroom you can use."

"Wait, are you sure? I don't want to be a problem..."

Trollzart waved a hand. "I do not mind one bit. It will be nice to have someone around. It's been so quiet. I can't often have my grandtrolls come over anymore."

Trollex blinked for a moment. "Wait, grand... You're a grandpop!?"

"Yes, did you forget I am rather high in age...?" Trollzart laughed a little when Trollex blushed rather deeply.

"Ah, right....Sorry about that..." Trollex rubbed at the back of his head, his ear fins drooping a little. It was then he remembered he was holding an instrument. "Um, what do I do with this?" He held out the mandolin to Trollzart, who lifted it gently.

"I'll return it, and then we can carry on our way to my home. Shall we?" Trollex nodded, and so Trollzart turned to leave, pausing when Trollex called up to him.

"Um, give me a few minutes and come back, actually. I can't fly right away when I get out of the water. I'll dry off and we'll leave when you get back, alright?"

That gave Trollzart pause. "You can't? We can't either, not right after getting wet. We need to dry our wings first." He looked at the Mandolin a moment, then back to Trollex. "I will return as quickly as I can." And with that, he zipped off.

Trollex pulled himself onto the river bank, already missing the water. He sighed, lying on his belly with his arms crossed under his chin, his fins held in the air a bit. He watched the stars glittering overhead, and smiled a little. "You don't get to see stars when you're in the deep sea, but... they sort of remind me of the little fish we have back home..." He sighed, closing his eyes. "I miss Beat... I should send a message to him when I get to Trollzart's... I hope he has something that can get a message to the LED palace at least..."

He remembered when he watched Beat turn to swim back home down the river near Lonesome flats. He knew that it was a long trip, but he'd let his friend go all on his own. "I should have gone with you, little buddy. I hope you're safe..."

His eyes snapped open when he felt eyes on him. He sat up; flicking his tail in an attempt to get away from whatever was watching him.

He was still wet though, Flow hadn't kicked in yet.

He looked around wildly, looking for whatever may be watching him, or any sign of danger. Everything seemed quiet and peaceful. That's when it hit him.

Why was it so quiet?

He looked to the river, which was one burbling softly, was now completely still and silent. That didn't happen naturally. He felt his heart racing, the colors he did have glowing a little brighter as a self defence mechanism. Anything could be out there.

It was then he felt something wrap around his injured arm and jerk him towards some nearby bushes. He let out a pained cry, feeling still tense muscles stretched in an attempt to keep the arm in its proper place. That seemed to startle whatever had grabbed him into letting him go.

He scrambled away as quickly as he could manage, cradling his arm as he struggled to stand upright on his fins. He stared at the bush, waiting for something to leap out at him and attack. After a few moments, he realized something. He could hear the river again. Even so, he didn't take his eyes off the bush, not even once.

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