17 - Confusion and care

Start from the beginning

"Good, just good. Don't ever try to do something out of norm." Fanxing said. Yibo smiled.

"I know, Fanxing. I know what is right and wrong." Yibo said. Yuanyou stared at his elder cousin. He just can't believe Yibo at that point. The glint of sadness was there but he can't think the source of that sadness. His eyes met Shunrong's. His boyfriend was trying to signal something to him but he can't understand it at all. Shunrong sighed.

"Oh, you guys are here." Yuanyou and Fanxing jumped. Shunrong just inhaled while Yibo tensed a bit to Zixuan's appearance at the living room. Fanxing got up and went to hug his sister-in-law. Zixuan chuckled. "Aiya, what's wrong with you, Fanxing?" Zixuan said, giggling a bit. Fanxing released the hug.

"Are you okay, jie?" Zixuan smiled.

"Of course I'm fine. The matter is settled, I know from the start is not real like what the article speculated."

"But-" Zixuan smiled and patted Fanxing back before turning to Yibo. Yibo was still in daze with her sudden changes that morning. Zixuan smiled softly to him.

"You didn't shower yet, darling. Go and take a bath, you stink. I will keep three of them attended." Zixuan said, smiling. Yibo blinked and then quickly nodded. He got up and left. Zixuan just exhaled with a smile. She turned to the rest. "Okay, I'm going to make breakfast. What do you want, guys?" Zixuan said as she walked to the kitchen. Yuanyou's eyes followed the lady before meeting Shunrong's. Both of them were feeling weird to see Zixuan is so smiley and calm like that. Fanxing trailed behind her with suspicious thought too. It was like a calm before storm. But the three didn't voice out when Zixuan looked very normal to them, even after Yibo came down when she finished making the breakfast. Five of them had their breakfast together; no single trace of heavy tension accompanied the table.

 Five of them had their breakfast together; no single trace of heavy tension accompanied the table

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Zhan rubbed his eyes. He woke up by the sound in the kitchen. The male reached for his phone to see the time. He remembered his schedule today started at noon, none of his schedule was put on halt after the breaking scandal. Mr. Li said it's better to let him appear on screen just to convince all people that he's innocent. If he went into hiding, it will cause more suspicious. But Mr. Li put some guards around for his safety and asked Yian also Taylor not to leave his side at all if they're in public. The CEO still concerned over his safety. They won't know the reaction of antis.

Zhan stepped out from his room after washing up and looked to the kitchen as he heard people's talking. The male rubbed his eyes and blinked. "Mama?"

Mrs. Zheng turned and smiled. "Hello, my boy. You're awake?" Zhan came closer. Mrs. Zheng and Taylor were cooking together.

"How you- I mean, why are you here?" Zhan asked absentmindedly. Mrs. Zheng smiled.

"Visiting you. Your daddy is here too, but he's out currently to buy something short for the breakfast Taylor is cooking. Anyway, how about you sit first and I will serve you your favourite hot chocolate?" Mrs. Zheng said and signalled him to sit at the counter-seat. Zhan blinked but then sat down. Mrs. Zheng turned to get her son the hot chocolate while the breakfast is done by Taylor. Mrs. Zheng and Taylor chattered like usual and sometimes took Zhan into the conversation. Zhan kept spacing out and looked at his mother carefully.

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