Morales 📝
Are you sure you don't want
me to come ovet?
If your nightmare scared
you to the point where you
texted me, it must've scared
pretty bad
(Read 1:56 am)

Ugh, did he really have to be this sweet?
You rested your palm on you still-pounding chest and then looked back up at your phone. It wouldn't hurt to have him over for just a few minutes. If anything you could always kick him out, and he doesn't really seem like the type to try and take advantage of you.

But only until I calm down
And you have to leave before 6,
that's when Mr. Rodriguez starts checking the cameras

Morales 📝
I'll bring over a blanket :))
See you in 5?

See you in 5
Oh and be careful pls

Morales 📝
Will do, (y/n)!!

You shut off your phone and brought your comforter up to you chin and hoped this wouldn't get you in trouble.


The five minutes passed excruciatingly slow, every two seconds your eyes would dart to a dark corner in your room and you kept switching your phone on to check the time, wondering when Miles would get here.

A soft rapp at your dorm door shook you from your thoughts.

"(Y/n)? Its me." Came a soft whisper from the other side.

You couldn't help the small curve at you lips. How cute. He seemed to be trying his best to not let any other people on the floor know it he was there.

You slowly got up from your bed, the cold room making goosebumps up your arms. You unlocked the door and slowly cracked it open, hoping it would minimize the terrible creaking the door would make.

"Hey." Miles said, looking down at you with a wary smile. Over his forearm, neatly folded, was what seemed to be a fluffy throw blanket.

"H-hi." You croaked out. God, this was embarrassing.

You opened the door a little more so he could slip into the room. Upon hearing the soft click of the lock of the door shutting, Miles shook open the blanket and rested it over your shoulders, holding the sides together in front of you.

You couldn't say anything. You just allowed for him to wrap the blanket tighter around you and let the smell of it, a sweet, warm vanilla waft into your nose.

Does he smell like this too? You let yourself wonder, but before your thought went too far, Miles caught your attention by standing back to admire his work.

"You look like a caterpillar." He said in a hushed tone, the lowest of it making his voice crackle like a campfire. He looked like he was stiffling a chuckle.

"I feel like a caterpillar."

You tugged the blanket closer to your face hoping he wouldn't be able to see the groggy look on your face.

"Why don't we get you back into bed?" His fingers gently grazing your back, gesturing towards your bed.

You obliged, slowly climbing back in and letting him cover you in the comforter. Miles crouched down in front of the bed, a tender smile playing at his lips, and rested his chin on his arms along the edge. The two of you stared at each other for a while before he decided to break the silence.

" you want to talk about it?'" He said.

"Not really."

"That's fine. Do you need me to do anything else for you?"

You let out a sigh, tho it was muffled by the blankets.

"Can you...erm..." you mumbled the last bit into the blankets, avoiding his gentle gaze.

"What was that?"

"Could you... stay? Maybe?" You repeated.

"I can do that."

And with those final words of confirmation, Miles made his way into the thick comforter, pulling up over the both of you and tugging you closer to him, you face nestled against his neck.

He does smell like vanilla... and cologne.

"'You comfy down there?"


𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙨! | Miles Morales x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now