Cookie x Schmitty

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I'll admit, this WAS my OTP once.

That is until I finished the Ride.

(And you guessed it, spoiler alert!)

My instinct when I first join a fandom is to randomly ship the first two characters I see connect, which of course was Cookie and Schmitty. They seemed to get along I guess and of course I saw the scene where he said he loved him (Which now I know was just a joke but it stills sends me to this day.) Yeah I've been in the fandom for a while, since 2017. And I've watched all that YDKJ has to offer. Then came mid-2018 when I watched The Ride. When I got to the very end, Schmitty said that one line that ended my love for this ship.

"I hate all of you."

And then I've noticed after The Ride how much they quarrel and don't get along with each other. Also when Troy had Cookie pick who else will go in his machine to leave the bottom, he picked Nate, which means he doesn't like Schmitty. He left him to risk his life to get himself out. Which is so sad in my opinion. So I had to drop the ship.

Cookie and Nate get along much better anyway.

Which leads us to our new ship.

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