I have to think of a plan, i got it!

"Time for a little push, Civic!" My front bumper gently made contact with the Civics rear bumper, and i slowly pushed it up to speed.

At this rate i was pushing the civic to a racer in front of her, she made efforts to brake but my 600 HP V8 GT is still effortlessly pushing it.

Eventually to evade collisions, the civic finally moved to the left for a slight moment, and now's my chance! I stepped on the gas, leaving that damned Civic behind.

"Finally! Who's the loser now?" I screamed as my stress was undeniable. Vraaaaaaaaa! I finally could get better positions after 5 lap. Now I had 7 more laps to go.

"Who has the lead now?" I asked my crew via radio.

"Blue Ford Escort Cosworth. He's slow and won't hesitant blocking other guys," Shizaki who was in the best position complained.

"How? His car is small".

"He stays in the middle of the road for like forever!" Eirine went nuts.

"Now we're only able to get at least 2nd place," Ken contributed.

I was slowly overtaking and crawling back up to my spot, and there it is, that Escort. "So their tactic is to block huh?" I muttered.

I was devising another plan, when suddenly, a golden opportunity striked. It was late night, and the road was illuminated, when suddenly, the lights went off. The crowd mumbled, and some even screamed.

One by one, the cars start turning their lights on as they race. I turn on mine and the Escort turned on his. That's when my mind got something.

"Yes! I got it! While it's dark out here, i have to move quickly!" I turned off my lights, driving blind, relying on other's illumination, but me and this escort is quite ahead so my car didn't get any light at all, now it's merely a silhouette.

I tracked the Escorts movements, and on the hairpin, i swiftly got side by side with him without him noticing at all. "Hehe, my plan worked, now watch this!" I turned on my lights.

Briiink! Pure bright white lights shined. It was so bright I thought I was struck by lighting. The Cosworth with yellowish lights left me farther to the side. He went too deep to the inner corner, so his speed was lowered drastically too. Good chance! Srrrr.... I drove to the right, passed the corner from the outside, and eventually passed that Cosworth too. Incredible teamwork, I'd say.

"Aand, What's this?! The Ford GT takes the lead!" The Announcer informed and the crowd cheered. "I don't know how you did it, but good job, keep the lead." Shizaki complimented.

Since then, i gave the Escort a taste of it's own medicine. I blocked it when it tried to do anything and i always defended my position.

At one corner, i saw at my rear view mirror, it seems that the Escort is not braking where he should be. "Is he trying to crash into me?! I guess his mindset is "If im going down im taking you with me" kind. But don't worry.

"Joseph that Escort is getting dangerously close to you." Shizaki warned. At the corner, i drifted as a tactic, and when my car was sideways and facing the exit of the corner, the Escort accelerated and planned of crashing into me.

Not today sucker.

Before the Escort had the chance to crash into me, i accelerated away and exited the corner, when he's already in motion of crashing me. Now that Escorts got nothing to crash on except the barriers.

Bye bye, Giorno!

Woo! I've finally achieved 1st position. And since it was the final lap I didn't have to care about defence anymore. Medium straight, then turn right, turn left, and fiiiiiinal straight to the-

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