Chapter Three:

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Oh my gosh I know I promised to upload quick, but my computer died and my cord was being silly so it was up and running today :)

" You promise, but you never do."

" So we meet again, Damon."

" So we do."

Ok, well without further ado, chapter three!

Chapter Three:

“Damon?” I asked, looking at him.

He still wasn’t moving. He just sat there, froze in time.

“Damon, it’s me, its Bella. Do you remember me?” I asked him, touching his arm.

“How is this possible?” he asked, but he wasn’t looking at me, he was looking at Stefan.

“I don’t know, Damon. She just showed up on the doorstep.” Stefan said, as puzzled as Damon.

“Damon?” I asked, wondering why he refused to look at me.

Oh wait, it was my eyes.

“Bella, is is that really you?” he asked, taking one step toward me.

Only one step. He was afraid.

And he had every right to be.

“Yes, it’s really me love, who else would it be?”

He took the final steps into my arms. He looked into my eyes, and then backed away to the wall.

“Bella, please tell me those are contacts,” he said, anger on his face.

“What are contacts?” I asked, frowning.

I looked at Damon, who had a worried look on his face. He had a who just died face.

But know body died.

“Stefan, do you know what this means?” he asked him, clutching a wall. It started breaking, leaving his hand print on it.

Stefan shook his head. What was Damon’s problem?

The wall broke in tiny dust particles.

“She is possessed, Stefan. The other side must have very powerful dead among them, because she is possessed and at any moment could kill us all without realizing it.”

Everyone froze. The guy looked down at his stake, and then looked at me. He started moving closer and then ran at me, aiming for my heart.

I screamed, running out the door.

*** Two hours later.

I walked with my dress still sucking the life out of me. Tears streamed down my face. None of them came for me when I ran out the door; it meant that I wasn’t wanted. I was too hazardous to be around them, because I could and very well would be the one to end their lives.

It meant I was going to have to kill myself, to save Damon. And Stefan. I was going to have to go back to the other side and live out an eternity of misery.

Another tear rolled down my face, leaving a streak down my face as it hit the ground.

Damon’s Point Of View:

Bella ran out my door screaming and I didn’t do anything to stop her. I should have ran with her, telling her to come back.

But I didn’t.

I gritted my teeth, unsure of what to do. What could I do? Everyone I know who has been possessed never made it through, because they would kill themselves, or someone else would have to.

I couldn’t be the one to kill her, because even after all these years, I still loved her.

I would have to be the one to kill her, to make sure she didn’t die killing everyone she loved. It would break my heart, but I would have to do it.

“Damon, don’t. There could be another way out of this, we always find one.” Stefan’s voice said to me, calling me out of the dark cloud of thoughts I was sitting in.

“How Stefan? Please tell me how I’m going to save her. There is nothing you can do.”

“Think about it Damon. Who has always been able to help us solve our problems?”

With that Stefan was out of the room.

I poured myself some bourbon and took a sip, then the glass slipped out of my hand, crashing into the floor.

I knew what I would have to do.

Bella’s Point Of View:

I knew where I had to go. I was going to kill myself right where I died last time, where I was supposed to stay dead. Memories started overflowing me.

*Flashback *

I put my lips together; feeling the metallic taste of my own blood hit my tongue. I was walking home, because Damon couldn’t get me, he had to go run some errands on which he wouldn’t tell me. That’s when a buggy came sputtering down the road, I could tell it was about to break down.

It stopped a few feet from me. I walked over to it, knowing I found my dinner.

I hated drinking from humans, sucking the life out of them then giving them my blood so they would forget. I hated hurting people, but I was a vampire. I had no choice.

Smiling I walked over, my face turning worried.

“Excuse me, sir, but I’m lost and I feel as if I have been walking for hours, may you please help me?” I asked, pretending to be a vulnerable lost girl.

Before he could get another word out I struck. I plunged my fangs into his major neck artery, and as soon as I swallowed the blood I fainted, coughing.

*End of flashback*

I continued walking, until I saw the cemetery.

I looked, watching the sky as it began to turn light orange pink. This was how I was going to die, and know one was going to stop me.

The Other SalvatoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora