Just The way you are

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Olly hated having to burst Jaymi's bubble but he felt like he couldn't let this one go unnoticed however much it would hurt Jaymi to hear and after scrolling up and down his Twitter feed Olly noticed the fans agreed with him too.

"@Unionjjsworld: Why is Jaymi so scared about showing his body he's perfect."

"@JaymisBae: I hate knowing Jaymis so insecure"

Olly closed twitter and locked his phone. He just sat awaiting the return of his fiancé who had been at a meeting concerning the New Years party they were due to perform at. As he got tired of waiting he got up to make himself a drink and no sooner had he stood up a very excitable group of 4 men came bounding back into the villa, Jaymi came straight over too Olly with wide eyes and a massive smile across his face. Olly knew he couldn't talk to Jay now and ruin his happiness but his face said something else.

"Are you okay babe? What's happened whilst I've been away?" Jaymi looked at Olly concerned.

"It's just nothi... Can I talk to you somewhere more private please?" At the last minute Olly decided it probably was better not to bottle it and just to tell Jay. Jaymi put his arm around Ollys waist and led him off to they're bedroom.

"What's brought this on Olly has something happened?" Jaymi shut the door as Olly got comfy sat on the bed.

"Jaymi before I tell you can I just hug you?"

"Of course but I don't understand your scaring me now Olly." With that Jaymi sat down next you Olly and pulled him in close. Olly soon pushed away from Jaymi and lied down on his side, on the bed and patted next to him for Jaymi to do the same. Both boys now we're laying, heads propped up by they're hands looking directly at each other.

"Jaymi don't be scared but I've been meaning to say this for a while and it's hurting me watching you." jaymis face dropped.

"What do you mean?!"

"You always tell everyone, whoever they are be it me, the boys or even the fans how perfect we are, how to embrace ourself and to be who we are but you not happy with you and that kills me Jaymi." Olly choked up, then paused to catch his breath, Jaymi just looked at Olly with a look of almost relief that Olly had recognized the fact he wasn't happy.

"You always make jokes about how you have 'more rolls' than the other boys and even when we're somewhere as sunny as Barbados you still always walk about with your top on. Your perfect Jaymi Hensley! Please stop thinking your not perfect because you are in every single way. You are mine and I would love you whether you were 5 stone or 55 stone it makes no odds to me but I just want you to be happy with yourself, you have nothing to fear!" It was these last few words that broke Jaymi, he turned his head and fell into his pillow sobbing, Ollys words running through his head over and over again.

"I'd do anything I could to make you love you, I'd give everything I own but Jaymi your perfect as you are, you are who I fell in love with and you are who I will love eternally." Jaymi's muffed Cries got louder and louder as Olly just ran his fingers through his hair before too laying flat on the bed. He pushed his arm in between the sodden pillow and Jaymis teary face pulling him in closer. He wrapped Jaymi up in his arms and legs so he was as close as he could be and in the split second after jaymis head snuggling up against Ollys chest all his barriers were lowered. He was safe with the one he loved, the one who loved him no matter what, the one.... The only one that could know about his insecurities, Olly was the one. Olly just cradled his distraught fiancé, kissing the top of his head every so often to remind Jaymi he was still there.

"It really hurts you doesn't it." olly said quietly as he rested his head on the top of Jaymi's.

"Y-y-y-e-s-s" Jaymi could barely speak as he just continued to break.

Just the way you areOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant