Chapter 1. Oh hello!

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(S/P) walked down the dark streets of hell until they bumped into someone, they said "oh sorry I didn't mean to hit you."  (S/P) replied with "no, no it's alright." The other person replies to (S/P) saying "I bumped into you, I should be sorry." (S/P) replied to him "no it's really alright, also do you know where I am? I just fell from the sky after doing coke." The other person replied "oh, that's that's the least I could do for you, you're in hell, you died." He started walking back down the streets of hell, & gestured you to follow him. (S/P) rushed a bit to get to where they we're, after she got to where they we're that asked "So I died, and I'm in hell, makes sense but I wasn't that old, I think it's still pretty blurry. He didn't reply until you got to a small shop called "burnin' hot coco", "come on in get some coco with me."

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