The project.

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As I walked to class, I noticed my hand sting. I realized that I hadn't cleaned my hands and that I had just ran water over it earlier. It honestly wasn't my fault, shitty hair was rushing me. I noticed my hand start to bleed... fuck. I put my hands in my pocket and walked towards class. Pikachu, Ducktape and shitty hair were all cornering my desk. Ugh.

Mr Aizawa walked in looking irritated as usual. Four eyes sat down after giving the class a lecture. He got up and started yelling about our newest project.
"Look I'm only gonna say this once.. majority of the teachers voted on this. So I don't really care if you like it or not. You guys will have a partner for this project. I want you to make a journal about your partner. How thier quirk works, thier limits, strengths, hobbies, likes and dislikes, thier drive, and the part that takes up the most part of your grade growth. You'll need to spar with your partner. Work with them to help grow your quirk. Learn from their technique. If you become a pro, you'll have to work with other hero's to stop a villain or save civilians. I'm not saying, be their best friend I'm saying work hard and make a mutal respect. This project isn't like other projects. You guys will have two months. We will continue classes and other normal activities but we will give you guys some time to work on this the first couple of weeks. If you have any complaints... this WASNT my idea nor did I agree *sighs*" all the fuckers around me started getting excited. Tch. I didn't want to work with these lames but I didn't wanna fail.

"HEY! You guys will Not be picking out partners... The list is right here." Said an irrated mr. aizawa. "Awwww.... that sucks!" Said raccoon eyes. Mr aizawa shot a glare at raccoon eyes shutting her up. "The groups are..... Ashido and kirishima." "NICE! WE GOT THIS KIRISHIMA" yelled the pink bitch. "let's go plus ultra" whispered shitty hair while blushing. Tch fucking pathetic. The list went on... "Asui and Tokayami, TODOROKI and yaoyorozu, Mineta and sero, midoriya and shoji, Jiro and KAMINARI, hagakure and ojiro, Sato and Koda, Iida and Aoyama, and last but not least uraraka and bakogou." URARAKA?! Floaty bitch? Fuck no! "IM NOT WORKING WITH HER! All she does is throw up or collapse..." "HEY! I'm useful....." floaty said while looking away. Who the hell did she think she was?! Speaking back to me?

"IM NOT WORKING WITH HER! All she does is throw up or collapse" I winced at his words... it was true. During the sports festival I had a chance to prove myself. I could've shown everyone I'm not just naive... but I exceeded my weight limit and collapsed. "HEY! I'm useful...." I retorted back embarrassed a little. "Can I get a .... CAPABLE partner?!" Bakugou spoke while glaring at me. His words hurt more than it should've.

Mr. Aizawa shot a glare at Bakugou. Immediately the class shut up. "As I was saying. This is MANDATORY... The teachers picked students whos quirks would work tell and would be a challenge. You guys know the criteria... so get started I guess. I'm taking a nap and DONT bother me" ok... I got this. I mean Bakugou isn't that bad. I just have to convince him I've improved. I really have though. Ever since the summer camp, I've been working to exceed my weight limit and my nausea. Sadly, Bakugou Dosent believe words. How am I gonna convince him?

I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I saw Bakugou heading to the door. "Wait! Bakugou!" I sighed "we have to set a time to meet up to work on our notes and stuff." He looked at me if I was some crazed physco. He gave me a cold glare and muttered "I don't need your help round face. I'll pass with out dekus number one fan." "But Bakugou... that's not the point of the assignment" he walked off not even looking back. Not a lot of things irritated me but I hated people judging me before  knowing me. I took a deep sigh. I have 2 months to prove to him and...myself, that I belong to be here just as much as the rest of my class mates.

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