Part Eight | Do Your Best Iida 1.5

Start from the beginning


“Hello everyone, I’ve been waiting for you. I can’t wait to show you what’s inside!” the Space Hero Thirteen greeted happily as you stood at the entrance of the large dome you would be training in.

“Oh, it’s Thirteen! The chivalrous pro who rescued a ton of people from disasters around the world!” Izuku fanboyed, starry eyed as ever, while he marveled at the hero before him and his classmates.

“Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!” Uraraka cheered excitedly as Thirteen and Aizawa lead the class inside the building.

“Wow, it’s like Universal Studios Japan!” Kirishima grins as you all stand atop the staircase leading to the expansive main plaza and multitude of training areas.

“A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, et cetera. This is a training ground that I created with different types of accidents and disasters. I call it the Unforseen Simulation Joint! The USJ!” Thirteen explains, spreading their arms in a wide arc as a gesture to the multiple disaster zones.

-It really is like the USJ!-

Looking around the area, Aizawa noticed they were down one faculty member and sighed before turning to Thirteen.

“Wait, shouldn’t All Might be here already?” he frowns, “Let me guess, he booked an interview instead.” Eraser’s tone had grown bitter and you half heartedly wondered if this scenario had happened sometime before.

“Actually it’s something else.” Thirteen’s voice dropped, barely above a whisper and whatever they were saying, you couldn't pick up on. Thirteen held up three fingers to Aizawa, which the Erasure hero sighed at.

“That man is the height of irresponsibility.” Shota grumbled before shaking his head. “Whatever, what’s done is done. Clock’s ticking, so we might as well get started.”

With that, both teachers turned to the class.

“Excellent, before we begin let me say just one thing. Well maybe two things.” Thirteen began, “Or three? Maybe four...?”

-Alright, we get it.-

“Listen carefully, I’m sure you’re aware I have a powerful quirk.” Thirteen starts, grabbing your attention easily. “It’s called Black Hole, I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust.”

“Yeah, you’ve used Black Hole to save all kinds of people from disasters before haven’t you?” Izuku asked as Uraraka nodded happily beside him and Bakugou rolled his eyes but otherwise remained silent.

“That’s right but, you see...My quirk can very easily be used to kill.” Thirteen confirmed, stunning a few of you with the reveal. “Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous, right?” at that, you couldn't help but think of your own quirk and judging from some of the looks the others had, they were thinking about their abilities too.

“In our super human society, all quirks are certified and stringently regulated. So we often overlook how unsafe it can actually be. Please don’t forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you’re trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone.”

Thirteen did have a point... Not all citizens had quirks or even had ones that could protect themselves. One wrong move and any potential hero could find themselves hurting the very people they were tasked with saving.

“Thanks to Aizawa’s fitness test, you have a solid idea of your quirk’s potential. And because of All Might’s combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class because today...You’re going to learn how to use those quirks to save lives. You won’t be using your quirks to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that’s what being a hero is all about, ensuring the safety of others. Well, that’s all I have to say, thank you for listening.” Thirteen bowed as Iida was the first to give his applause before the rest of you followed suit.

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