Their nerd lab

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(T) once again we're back in the nerd lab

(H) it's been almost seven years since you graduated college but still focus on coming back here

(T) says the one who joined me but you graduated about three years ago and still come back too

(H) I work here so obviously I have to come back, besides the whole fire seven years ago and them needing to repair the entire school

(T) everyone else should be here soon anyway and Callaghan was put in jail for that I don't know why he would do something like that when he was an inventer too

(H) remember he was trying to get a machine fixed so he could get his daughter back and Abigail has worked here ever since

(T) right

(Ho) hiro tadashi

(T) hey babe

(H) hey honey lemon

(Ho) gogo and Wasabi should be here soon

(T) last we saw those two gogo was announcing her pregnancy

(G) still pregnant Hamada

(W) hey guys

(Ho) gogo you look amazing

(G) thanks honey lemon

(H) the gang is almost all here

(T) where's Fred?

(F) you mean super mascot dragon Fred

(W) there he is

(G) what's with the long name?

(F) well I still am a school mascot but I love the suits so I call myself by different names

(T) sick

(W) need anything?

(G) no I'm alright

(T) and the gang is officially all here

(G) so what are we doing back at the school we graduated from seven years ago?

(T) basically a reunion

(G) doesn't the little nerd go here every day since it's his job

(H) I'm not little anymore gogo I'm tadashis height now

(T) yeah it's different having hiro up here when he used to be up to my elbow

(H) I'm an adult

(T) yeah we know

(M) *walking in lab* is anyone in here?

(H) who's that?

(T) don’t know

(H) *walking over to Miguel* hi

(M) hi I'm Miguel Rivera

(H) I'm Hiro Hamada, are you looking for someone?

(M) Abigail Callaghan, I heard their was a music program or job here so I wanted to check it out

(T) well good thing my little brother here is a teacher in the school he could help you find Abigail

(M) sounds great

(T) I'm tadashi Hamada hiro’s older brother

(M) nice to meet you

(H) I can show you around

(M) sounds great

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