A Bruh Moment of Vast Proportions

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It was a cold, rainy night. The streets were flooded with rain and sewage. Thunder crashed harder than a drunk teenager taking her dad's car out for a joyride. But, despite the dreadful conditions, Kaminari was taking a stroll down the city streets, searching for spare change. He had already been out for an hour, but he had only found a ¥5 coin. He decided to take a break at the local park a couple kilometres away. Once he had arrived at the location, he spotted something in the distance. It was a rock about the size of his palm. Kaminari knew it was destiny that he had found this beautiful specimen. He put the rock in his jacket and took it home.

When he got back to the dorms, he got the rock and dried it off with a washcloth. He then got a permanent marker and drew a smiley face on it.

"I think I'll name you... Abdul-Mohammed-Jamal-Jabar-Steve-Jabar-Omar-Abdul Hussein." He said in a quiet, calming voice. He then went around the dorms to show off his pet rock. He managed to get Yaoyorozu to make the rock a small suit, with a small tie to match.

Suddenly, the rock sprouted arms and legs. It tried to run away, but it was already in Kaminari's hands. It squirmed in Kaminari's hands to no avail. After about ten seconds of flailing around, it bit Kaminari's hand. Kaminari dropped the creature in pain, and the rock creature ran away.

Kaminari passed out from shock, and when he awoke, he decided it had just been a dream. Nobody asked him about the rock after that day, because no one cared. Everyone went back to their daily routines with no oddities.

That is, everyone but Aizawa.

Three weeks after the rock incident, Aizawa found a small rock in his shoe, decorated with sharpie and a suit. He tossed it out of the third story window, and it shattered like glass on the sidewalk

The End

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