Chapter 29: Alexa vs. Joy

Start from the beginning

Alexa smirked and went in the bedroom to change. Y/N went to the bathroom to wash up.

(Minutes later)

Y/N was finished and he went out to see Alexa on the couch occupied on her phone. He went inside to change to his casual clothes. Y/N was all ready and as he went to the living room, he saw Alexa was not there.

Y/N: Alexa?

He walked over to the couch to see Little Miss Bliss sleeping. Y/N chuckled and shook his head. He knelt down next to the Goddess and gently nudge her.

Y/N: Alexa, it's time to go

Alexa: five more minutes... babe

Y/N got an idea on how to wake the Goddess up.

Y/N: how do you like this then?

He leaned in and went to kiss on Alexa's neck causing the Goddess to laugh as she tried to get away.

Alexa: ahh! Y/N!

After a few seconds, Y/N pulled back to make Alexa catch her breath while she still laughed.

Y/N: you're finally awake

Alexa: I can't with you sometimes

Y/N: so you're ready to go?

Alexa: yeah, let's go

The couple left the apartment building and they got in the car.

Alexa: so where are you taking me?

Y/N: let's get something to eat first

Alexa: you read my mind

As Y/N focused his sights on the open road, Alexa saw his free hand resting on the car transmission shift. The Goddess held on to his hand and placed it on her thigh before putting her hand on top. Y/N saw this and looked to see the comfort smile of the Goddess.

Y/N: are you feeling comfortable?

Alexa nodded.

Alexa: yes

Y/N smiled and shifted his focus on the road while he lightly stroked Alexa's thigh with his thumb; the Goddess hugged his arm and laid on his shoulder in comfort.

The couple's first stop was Starbucks and Alexa's face light up in excitement.

Y/N: our first stop

Alexa: my favorite place to get my coffee

Y/N: that obviously explains your Starbucks cup shaped phone case

Alexa: hey, I love this phone case

Y/N: aww, you love it more than me?

The Goddess playfully slapped him on the arm.

Alexa: come on, let's go

They went inside and ordered their coffee for take out as they have other places to go. After getting their morning brew along with some breakfast sandwiches. Then they went back to their car until Y/N heard a familiar voice.

???: hi Y/N

Y/N: oh shit

The voice was from Y/N's coworker and his old crush Joy.

Joy: what are you doing on this fine day?

Y/N: I'm on a date right now

Then Alexa looked at Joy.

Alexa: so you're Joy, the girl Y/N told me about

Joy: and you must be his girlfriend

Alexa: I am

Y/N: this is gonna get ugly

Alexa: Y/N has told me a lot about you; he had a crush on you years ago

Joy: he did tell me that during our high school and college years

Y/N: girls...

Alexa: you crushed him years ago and suddenly you're back in his life

Joy: I didn't know he was working at the same firm until I saw him

Y/N: well just to mention again Alexa, Joy tried to ask me out for dinner once

Alexa: you have the nerve to say those words

Joy: I don't understand what Y/N sees in you; he could've been with someone better like me

Alexa's rage was building up while she smirked and Y/N could only back up.

Y/N: Joy, this is the moment you knew you fucked up

Joy: why what is she gonna do?

She began to laugh and shoved Alexa, but her smile went away instantly as the Goddess slapped her across the face. Y/N oohh'ed at the sound of impact of the slap.

Y/N: I forgot to mention Joy, Alexa is a WWE Superstar and she's a tough girl and not to be messed with

Joy got up and put her hand on the area where she got slapped. Y/N held Alexa back to avoid any altercation.

Y/N: Joy, you better leave before this gets really ugly

Joy: fine

Y/N's coworker left the two alone.

Y/N: you've met my coworker

Alexa: so that's her, what's with her forehead?

Y/N: that big forehead of hers is her trademark

The two shared a laugh as they went back in the car.

Alexa: so where to next?

Y/N: uhh, let's go somewhere where's it's peaceful and quiet

Alexa: yes, so no one can bother us

They drove to the park where it was all quiet and no people making noise to distract them. Y/N and Alexa got out of the car and walked around the peaceful landscape. The Goddess admired the flowers around them. Then Y/N picked one and placed it behind her ear. 

Then they sat down and talked.

Y/N: so when are you facing Bayley for the title?

Alexa: in two weeks

Y/N: it better be good than that awful one sided match at Extreme Rules 3 years ago

Alexa: I do agree, that match was bad

Y/N: when you win, you become a six time champion

He kissed the top of her head. They spent a good hour talking before they went back to their car. Y/N and Alexa went to the Goddess' house where they spent a good few hours of a Disney marathon. They're both tired and lazy to get upstairs to the bed, so they instead took a nap on the couch while the cuddled in each others' arms.

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