First Day!

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        "(Y/N) wake up!" Gersire said.
        "One more hour!" I say throwing a pillow at him.

        "You have to get up, today is your first day at Ouran!" He says teasingly.

         I sprung out of bed and grabbed a black and neon green plaid skirt and a blue tank top with ruffles. I put my hair into pigtails and curled them. I grab my bag and jump out the door. I run down the hallway and slide down the railing. I skip to the kitchen and ask for my boxed lunch and the maid gives it to me,"Thank you!"

        "No problem, have a good day (Y/N)-chan!" She says waving.
   I wave back happily. I meet Kyoya at the door,"Are you existed?" He asks.
        "Of course!" I yell, beginning to bounce up and down!

        "Ha, let's go!" He says opening the door for me.
        I walk outside slowly and stretch adjusting to the sunlight. I smell the fresh air and see animals peacefully hanging out in the garden. A flock of butterflies fly by and one lands in my hair,          "Hello, Butterfly-san! It's nice to meet you!" I say to the butterfly.
        Soon I notice the people I met at the dinner party last night are all here and as I look at each one smiling they all say In unison,"Hello, (Y/N)-chan you look wonderful today!" And they all gestured to their limo.
        "Thank you, you all look great too!" I say smiling.
        I enter the limo and everyone enters after me. Soon I get a bit bored and decided I wanted to test my memory,"Excuse me, but I would like to play a game!" I say as everyone looks over, I continue,"I would like to guess to see who's name I remember!"

        "Your... umm, Tamaki and your... Haruhi!" I point to Tamaki and Haruhi.

        "Your... Mitsukuni or... Honey!" I point to Honey.

        "Then you are Kaoru and your Hikaru!" I point to the twins knowing which is which.

        "No that one is Hikaru and the other is Kaoru." Haruhi says proudly.

        "No excuse me but your wrong, that one is Kaoru and that one is Hikaru." I say again. I look around and everyone looks shocked.

        "(Y/N) is right, I am Hikaru and he is Kaoru... how was Haruhi wrong?" Hikaru slowly adds.

       "Oh right, sorry I forgot you, your umm... Takashi but Honey calls you... Ah, Mori!" I point to Mori.

        "Was I right?" I say looking around.

        "Yeah, good job!" Kyoya says rubbing my head.

        Soon everyone looks at us in amazement and shock while Kyoya pats my head.  I wonder why everyone is looking at me? Or is it Kyoya?

        "H-hey (Y/N) is Kyoya always like this?" Haruhi asks in a quite tone.

        "Yeah why?" I say to her.

        "I-It's j-just..." She starts,"Never mind..."

        "Okay... Oh yeah, I know you all have a club to do but after the club I have my modeling shoot and I can invite anyone to come and watch! Would you guys like to come watch?" I ask hoping for them to say yes.

        "Sure!" Hikaru says, "We would love to!" Kaoru finishes.

        "I will make sure they come! We are here." Kyoya says.

        The limo slowly stops and I get super existed! I have been fidgeting this whole time, I can't wait...

        "(Y/N), what classes do you ha--" I cut Kaoru off by bolting out the door once it's open.

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