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Long ago, there once was a king named Khan who was chosen by God to be the first king of Mobotropolis. One day God spoke to the Prophet Athair to tell King Khan to go into battle and kill the Northern Overlanders, their Northern animals, and their king. King Khan and his men's did kill the Robotnik soldiers, but they did not kill their king and the animals. Instead King Khan order to arrest their king and use their animals as sacrifice. God spoke to the Prophet Athair saying that King Khan had disobeyed him, and he is no longer worthy to become king. The Prophet Athair told King Khan that he would no longer be king and that God has chosen a new king and went to kill the Northern Overlander king, Gerald Robotnik. Gerald's wife gave birth to a son, and was so upset that her husband was killed. The Northern Overlander queen prophesied to his son that one day a Robotnik would arise. A descendant of King Gerald, would get revenge upon the Mobians. Many years later, a young Mobian girl from the tribe of Acorns name Alicia (her name will soon be change to Sally) was born in the city of Christmas Island. Her father died during her mother's pregnancy, and later died during childbirth. Elias, her cousin, adopted her and raised her as his own daughter. Eggman, a descendant of King Gerald, was appointed the principal minister of the King Sonic, and thought of one day getting revenge upon the Mobians. 

Esther:  Sonic VersionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora