Chapter 1)

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" I had fun today see ya later bastard bye. " I give my best friend Zane a hug and smiled

" I had fun too you dick-head see ya later. " he hugs me back and chuckled.

I get out of his car and walk to my door unlocking it and walked in. I hear Zane driving off as I closed the door behind me. Zane and I had been friends for about 15years so we had went out to celebrate our little anniversary at the park we met at ,every year on June 10th we would go out to the park and relax there and talk about the most random things. I couldn't believe I've known him for so long. I smile at the thought of my best friend knowing that he's always been there for me. I take my shoes off and walk to the living room. I turn on the tv and decide to watch Revenge on Netflix. I manage to watch 4 episodes before dozing off.
I wake up to the sound of laughter. I get my phone and see it's 11:46pm.

I get up and I check who my older brother Cole had brought home.
"Hey Cole if you don't remember, mom specifically said that we couldn't have anyone over while she's at work...wait wasn't someone just here?" I questioned. I looked around.
"I could have sworn I heard someone else. Col-" I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone whispered from behind me. "BOO"

"Oh My Fuck!" I screamed punching the person from behind me in the stomach.
The guy winced and clutched his stomach while kneeling on the ground.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! They were reflexes! I didn't mean to! Are you ok?!" I choked out and looked at the guy. I couldn't really see his face because of how dark it was. There was a single lamp on in the corner of the hallway. I turned around to see Cole laughing his ass off.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Damn girl you've got a strong arm!" His voice had an accent to it but I couldn't tell if it was British or Australian or something else. I step back and start to blush from embarrassment, while Cole's still laughing. I turn to him and punch him in the stomach twice as hard. I watch as he groans in pain. He clutched his stomach and drops to the floor.
"Asshole!" I smirk
"That sure shut him up didn't it." I laughed and I turned to the guy I punched. He was laughing as well. "Serves... him... right." the guy says in between laughs, almost in tears. He wipes his eyes and his laughter dies down, I just stare at him not knowing what else to do while he's staring back. It was getting quiet, and awkward until he says, "I'm Jason, by the way. I just moved in down the street last week." He smiled and extended his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Jasmin but everyone calls me Jas. I'm the jerks younger sister, sadly." I shake his hand and smile. I look at Cole who is standing, now recovered from my punch to the stomach. I give him a death glare and he puts his hands up in defense.
"Nice meeting ya Jason but I'm awfully tired. Goodnight." I smile and walk to my room.
I hear him call out
"Nice meeting you too. Goodnight Jasmin."

I walk into my room. I look at myself in the mirror and decide to take a quick shower.
I walk out of my room towards the bathroom. I close the door and turn the shower on 'hot'. I strip and get in .
When I'm done, I turn off the water and begin drying myself. I'm just about to wrap the towel around me when the bathroom door opens. I scream as Jason gasps and quickly closes the door. I quickly wrap the towel around me when I heard a crash followed by a groan.
I scurried back to my room and locked the door. I change into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I debate whether I should check out what happened or stay in my room. I was so embarrassed and I wasn't sure if I wanted to show my face but curiosity got the best of me so I decided to check out what had happened. I walked out of my room and slowly walked toward Jason. Jason was on the ground holding onto his arm while Cole was on the phone with someone.
"Are you ok? What happened? Let me see your arm. Try bending it." I was scared. What if he broke his arm because of me?
"I can't move my arm. It hurts" he groaned out.
I couldn't say anything else when I heard a siren outside of my house. The paramedics came inside and rushed toward Jason. They lifted him off the ground onto a gurney and took him to the ambulance but before they left Jason had moaned out a sorry with a sad smile. One of the paramedics told us he might have a broken arm but they weren't sure yet, so Cole decided to go with Jason while I stayed home. 'This is great' I said to myself. I walked to my room and plopped onto my bed and thought about Jason and his accent. I couldn't figure out where he was from. Maybe the U.K. or maybe Australia. I didn't know, I'll just ask him once I get a chance

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