the first step(episode 4)

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I walked over to her with a devilish smirk

Y/N:sorry ice queen but she'll be on a team with me,right Pyrrha?


I was about to say something until jaune comes to us

Jaune:do you know what else is great?me,jaune arc nice to meet you

Weiss:you again?

Pyrrha:nice to meet you jaune

Jaune:yeah,yeah*pushes Pyrrha slightly*so,Weiss!couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day

Y/N:*mind*jaune this is why you don't get girls*looks at pyrrha*you don't pay attention to girls who actually like you you idiot

Weiss:oh you've got to be kidding me

Jaune:don't worry,no need to be embarrassed,so been hearing rumors about teams! I was thinking you and me would make a good one,what do you say?

Y/N:*mind*i mean that'll actually make a pretty good team a guy with a hidden aura manipulation semblance and a glyph girl would probably make a good team,with good teamwork...and if jaune actually knew his semblance or even unlocked it at all

Pyrrha:actually,I think the teams are compromised of 4 students each,so-

Jaune:you don't say,well,hot stuff

Once I heard that I stiffened up and had a look that could even make a dragon Grimm bow before me I looked at jaune behind Pyrrha and gave him the look he backed away a bit but the idiot he is he continued on what he said

Jaune:play your cards right and you could join up the winning team

Weiss:*gets in between them*jaune,is it?Do you have any idea who you're talking to?

Jaune:not in the slightest,snow angel

I cringed on the word "SNOW ANGEL* she is not a a angel she is goddess to you peasant,to me she's just a lowlife worm that has to follow orders to her father so she would be able to live

Weiss:this is Pyrrha

Pyrrha:hello again

Weiss:she graduated top of her class at sanctum

Y/N:*mind*even though I let her get top so I don't get any of the attention

Jaune:never heard of it

Y/N:*mind*jaune you've just earned the title of being one of the people here that lives under a rock

Weiss:ah! she won the mistral regional tournament 4 years in a row...a new record!

Jaune:the what?

Y/N:*steps to the side of pyrrha*let me handle this she's on the front of every pumpkin Pete's  marshmallow flakes box

Jaune:*gasp*that's you? They only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters

Pyrrha:yeah,it was pretty cool.sadly,the cereal isn't very good for you

Red is for rage season 1(RWBY x ??? Male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin