lEt's gO oUt wItH a bAnG-

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I was tagged by: i-still-am-the-duke

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I was tagged by: i-still-am-the-duke

1. I am a Libra bItCh- ♎

2. Hm...I have a lot of those-

3. Lost of those too- But right now my favourite song(That I've had on repeat-)is Bang! By AJR so yeah.

4. Y'all are so great idk how I got all of you but I love y'all thanks for being there for me and sticking with me while I figure myself out and fuck up a lot-

5. Hm..Movie any superhero one or pretty much any movie I know. And show would have to be Supernatural.

6. Here we go with a joke-

Why do we tell actors to break a leg?
....Because ever play has a cast-

....Why did I find that funny-
Have another-

Why aren’t Koalas actual bears?
...They don’t meet the koalifications-

i'M dYiNg-
I'm sorry that's all-
Okay one more I promise after this I will be done-

What did the grape say when he was pinched?
...Nothing, he gave a little wine.

Omg I can't breathe-
Okay I'll go now sorry-

7. Hm...I'll do ten. Half that mkay- And there won't be no punishment or prank if you don't do it in however long that shit says okay- I don't care when ya do it just had fun-


Some of those were random I am sorry- I'm gonna go now bye-

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