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     In a world ruled by destiny. There was a kingdom named corea where was happiness, prosperity and of course Making relationships little less complicated god had graced the world with fated mates.

  Soul mates.

      Where when you and your mate pass the age of 18, you both have dreams of each other's. A series of vogue prophetic dreams. Which sometimes shows face of your soul mate or a place where you're supposed mate will meet you. It was a bond created by destiny herself. You couldn't deny it even if you want. Even If one tries to change their fate they would always end up intertwined with each other. You could always run away from the bond but not your fate.

In kingdom of corea in a royal palace a princess was born.

Her beauty just like those flowers... her skin as soft as silk... her eyes held the depths of ocean... her lips pink like those cherry blossoms... and her heart just like those pure angels. Princess Haesoo was an honorable maiden. She was also a fierce fighter, justice seeker and a brave sailor. Some people in the realm called her their hope and some called her the real dragon. She bared all qualities of remarkable leader. That's why even after having an older son and a nephew the king chosen princess as his successor and heir to the throne. Everyone agreed to it.

     Why would they have any problems? 

      Princess Haesoo was capable enough to be a queen. She was loved by everyone in the kingdom except her cousin.

        He was not pleased by the idea of her sister ruling the country. He always dream of sitting on the throne and to fulfill it he was ready to do anything. He was waiting their like a predator waiting for his prey to fall in his trap. He figured out there was a power hidden deep in the ocean. Sword which can make everyone bow their head and kiss his feet. He wanted that to rule the world. He didn't know where that magical palace was in that vast ocean. But, he certainly knew who can help him to find that place.


 The princess .

       Princess Haesoo was a great sailor and loved the ocean. She was driven by the history of her specific ancestor and the legend that revolved around that ancestor. A legendary sword that can defeat anyone. The princess was different just like her ancestor. Even though having a soul mate she kept having prophetic dreams. Haesoo and her soul mate were confirmed that they both had more than one mate. They kept it secret however, the palace walls had ears and mouth too.

      Finding out similarities between princess and her ancestor. Prince was shocked. His theory no one believed was turning true. he knew princess Haesoo was the one who can find the sword. Thrilled by his discovery he forgot everything and focused on only one task... acquiring that powerful sword. He made pact with the princess proposing her that he can help her in finding the sword and in the voyage she was planning to go. After lots of storms and the rains the three of them found that magical place where the most powerful thing in the word was placed in.

A beautiful island situated in middle of ocean which was surrounded by natural storms. A cave in middle of the island which lead to an underwater magical place. There was a big dome created by magic, which floor had engraved with a design of six circles and in the middle was a heavily craved dragon in a round.

There were words written around that dragon..

   "The place where only dragons can fly...

       Sound of ocean reside.

    Singing the melody only fated six can know...

         Will turn the soil into metal..

    Making the evil bow."

      After trying various soul mates, singing various tunes still they were unable to open the door. It took prince years to realize that the fated six were actually five soul mates of one person. He figures out that princess and her soul mate was fooling him.

The princess realized that her cousin had bad intention with the sword so even though after figuring out the way to get sword. Her mate and she decided to keep it secret. She stopped finding her other mates in fear of her brother getting the power. But luck was not on her side. Her brother found out about their fraud and rebelling against the nation he captured the queen to be princess Haesoo and her mate. He kept them threatening and torturing to get the information but they never gave in.

     Here the king was trying to find the princess everywhere. After lots of tries he found that island where his nephew had imprisoned the future queen and raid there. Blinded by greed and rage the prince had lost his mind. And when he knew he was about to be found. He murdered the princess and her mate and then killed himself in that underwater dome.

     Princess Haesoo dies there making the secret forever be secret to the world.

     Princess Haesoo dies there making the secret forever be secret to the world

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