Chapter XVIII

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"Mayhap he didn't realise it..."

"A man of his reputation? Of course he realised it!" Rebelle countered her. "Mayhap he didn't want to take advantage of your inexperience", she nodded with sudden conviction. "Aye, it has to be that, because he told you he would wait until you want it as much as him, and this implies that you must know what you want."

Violet was silent, pondering.

"Wanting his flesh entering mine?" she murmured in a marvelled tone, and the thought, instead of disgusting or frightening her like when it was referred to Charles, made her feminine depths tingle, a sensation she had never felt before.

"Exactly", Rebelle confirmed. "How do you find the idea? Revolting or... attractive?"

Violet looked at her, her expression confused.

"I don't know if I find it attractive", she answered in an undertone. "But... I don't find it revolting anymore."

"Excellent! 'Tis certainly one step forwards", Rebelle smiled. "You'll see, in a little while you'll find the idea very, very appealing. When it does happen, don't waste any time and invite Guy in your bed!"

Violet blushed, but then thought it was absurd to feel embarrassed with her cousin.

"And did you do so, with Drastan?" she asked, a hint of naughtiness in her voice.

Rebelle grinned.

"Indeed", she said. "I decided I would go all the way with him when I realised I desired it as much as he did. That's why I came to you, as I had promised."

Violet nodded, glad that Rebelle had followed her advice.

"And, in this regard: how did you spend the night?" she enquired, smirking.

"Let's say I shamelessly took advantage of Drastan's hospitality", Rebelle answered with a wink.

"You are most certainly starving then!" Violet laughed heartedly. "Let me get dressed, so we can have breakfast."

"That is precisely why I came here. To take you so that we could have breakfast together. Let me help you..."

Twenty minutes later, the two cousins went downstairs to the private dining room where they found Guy, Drastan and William. The three men were standing, apparently waiting for them to join in. Robin and Marian were not present, as after the wedding banquet they had returned to Locksley.

"Oh, here come Nottingham's two most beautiful women!" Drastan cried, smiling cheerfully to both ladies. "Come, have a seat", he invited them, pointing to the table laden with food.

Guy approached them and extended his hand to Violet.

"Good morning, my lady wife", he said in a low voice. He wasn't smiling, but in his tone was a tender note that touched her heart. She took his hand.

"Good morning to you, my lord husband", she answered in an equally low voice.

Guy led her to the head of the table, where he sat after having her seated to his right. To his left sat William as the guest of honour, with Rebelle next to him, and Drastan took his seat across of the warrior maiden.

Fred, the head of the household, had stood discretely at a distance so far. Now he came to the table and bowed to the lord and lady of the manor, then he signalled to the other servants, who began to bring in trays full of good things.

"Not knowing the Baroness' preferences, Joanna, our cook, prepared a little bit of everything", Fred explained. "Bread, cheese, salted beef, smoked salmon, eggs, wine, water, stout beer, ale, and fruit."

A Flower for Guy #Wattys2021Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang