Chapter Two::: The Losers

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Eddies POV

I open the door to my mom looking down on me with a terrifying look. She grabs me by the ear and yanks me inside the house. 

"ow, ow mommy that hurts!!"

"They called you a girl Eddie!!"

"what?" I stare at her utterly confused. how could she have known about that?

"I heard a group of boys laughing and talking about what happened in your math class!!"

oh. so that's how. 

"do you have any idea at all how embarrassing it is to walk around and hear your son be called a girl?" 

yes, mom, I can understand

"because of you, we're the laughing stock of this town. "

I keep silent hoping I can just be sent to my room but that doesn't seem like an option right now.

"arent you going to say anything?!"

I stay silent


"mommy" I try and speak as calmly as possible "I'm am so horribly sorry that I embarrassed you. I can promise you, I never meant to. I hope you can forgive me" I finish trying not to sound too sarcastic (which proves surprisingly difficult). "thank you for the apology. tomorrow I am going to march into your school and make an announcement that you getting called such...such... ridiculous things won't be tolerated" amazing, my mom coming into my class and telling kids that I am in fact, not a girl.

"May I please go to my room now?"

"yes, you may."

I practically run up the stairs, as if I didn't get to my room right that second, I would never reach my room. I slam my bedroom door and sink to the floor. tomorrow is going to be a living hell. Ben won't want to hang out with the kid who still has his mommy to protect him from everything as if he was a five-year-old. and I know that if I screw up in the slightest way possible and bring any more "embarrassment" unto my mom then we'll definitely have to move towns again. I take a deep breath and try to push all those thoughts away as I settle in at my desk for a looooong night of homework.

Bens POV

"guys, I'm telling you he was really nice. I honestly think you all would like him."  Ben yelled across the quarry where he and his friends were hanging out.

"I think we should at least meet him. it would give Richie someone else to bother" Stanley mumbled from the rock he was reading on.

Richie abruptly starts laughing like a crazy person, he laughs so hard that he slips and falls into the water.

"Jesus rich, I didn't think I was that funny."

Richie climbs out and tries to squeeze all the water out of his shirt. "what? no, I wasn't really paying attention to what you were saying but I just realized that you guys are talking about that new kid in our math class."

Stanley looks at me so fast I thought his head was gonna come off for a minute. "that's the guy you're talking about?!"

Bev suddenly chimes in. "aww, poor guy. now he is definitely going to be hanging out with us tomorrow." she briefly smiles at me but turns back to bill and they keep talking. I feel like I'm melting, even if it's only for a fleeting second, that's my favorite feeling in the whole world. A feeling I only get when I'm around Bev.

"what do you think bill?' i hope bill wants to meet him. if not, the other losers might change their minds. bill's somewhat of a leader of the group.

"w-why not? m-making new f-friends is always a g-good th-thing"

I start to get excited, it wasn't every day someone new joins the losers club. but there was something wrong. Richie hadn't given his opinion on the matter. and Richie has an opinion on I finally decide to just brush it off. I'm probably overthinking it.

Richies POV

"w-why not? m-making new f-friends is always a g-good th-thing" bill stutters out. 

Ben looks over at me almost anxiously. I only catch it out of the corner of my eye so I'm guessing he doesn't know I saw. why did he look at me like that? do I have something on my face? I wipe my cheek with the back of my hand, hoping I got whatever it was.  usually, this is where I chime in with a joke that practically no one laughs at, but I feel no want or need to do that. well, not today at least. because today is the day my dad comes back from rehab and I haven't been handling it well.

he was always drunk, I don't think i even have a memory of him where he wasn't. he would hit my mom. I never saw it, but I always heard it. she would scream bloody murder, but I never did anything. what could I have done? it mostly went on when I was 6 or 7, and even if I had access to a phone, I wouldn't have known who to call or who could help. but then one day I messed with some of his work papers and he hit me. real hard. after that, my mom finally called whoever it was that could help and they hauled him out. end of story. but now, apparently, he wants to see us again, to apologize or some bullshit like that. and my mom is letting him. the hardest part is that there is no one I can talk to about it. sure, there are the losers but the only problem with them is that its not really a topic I can discuss with them. I just don't have that kind of relationship with them. 

my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Bev screaming. they all went swimming and i was to wrapped up in my own head to notice. I'm quick to join them and once we all start playing a very elaborate game of water tag, i start to relax. maybe this all won't be so bad after all. and maybe that Eddie kid is a nice guy.

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