The truth will out

Start from the beginning

Zuko and Sokka look at each other with worry

"Do you think he saw us??" Sokka asked nervously

"I don't know," Zuko said "but we should calm down with the cuddling. For now," Zuko said

"Yeah you're right," Sokka said in defeat.

"Hey guys" katara chimed in as she walked in the courtyard

"Morning" Sokka and Zuko said at the same time

"Who's gonna come with me to collect some food?" Katara asked

"I'll go" Sokka volunteered "you should go see why aang is upset," Sokka said to Zuko

"Why would aang be upset?" Katara asked with worry
Sokka simply shrugged

Katara and Sokka walked into the forest and began collecting mushrooms and various other plants and herbs, Sokka took a deep breath

"Hey katara can I tell you something?" Sokka questioned slightly nervous

"Yeah anything" katara chuckled

"Anything anything?" Sokka asked

Noting sokkas serious tone katara turned to him

"You can tell me anything I'm your sister, "Katara said with a sincere tone

" well I'm kinda seeing someone," Sokka said

"Wow already? Hasn't it been like two days since you and suki broke up" katara asked jokingly

"Yeah" Sokka chuckled

"Its toph isn't it, I see the way you guys act around each other" katara said

"WHAT? No why does everyone think that" Sokka grumbled

"I don't understand katara said

"It's Zuko" Sokka blurted out

"WHAT? but you're not - you're a normal boy you like girls" Katara said "you've dated girls" Katara pointed out

"I guess I just like both" Sokka admitted sheepishly

"You're just confused," Katara said

"no I'm not katara," Sokka said raising his voice

"ENOUGH SOKKA I don wanna hear any more of your weird thing with Zuko" Katara yelled

"fine then," Sokka said storming off back to the temple.

As he arrived back in the courtyard he slumped down against one of the beams holding up the temple

"What's with you?" Toph asked

"Nothing im fine, " sokka grumbled , is this about your lie?" Toph questioned

"What lie," Sokka said angrily

"You know you can't lie to me right?" Toph said

"Well Azula managed to maybe you can't read people as good as you think you can TOPH," Sokka said

"Whatever I don't care about your little relationship with Zuko, not my problem ponytail," Toph said as she walked away.

Sokka looked off in the distance holding back tears

After looking for a while Zuko finally caught the avatar who was sitting on the cliffside

"What's up with you?" Zuko asked

"How long has it been going on?" Aang asked Zuko

"How long has what been going on?" Zuko asked

"You and Sokka, I saw you two this morning" Aang admitted

"Since we came back to the boiling rock why do you care," Zuko asked coldly

"Who else knows?"Aang asked

" Suki and I think toph" Zuko admitted

"So you told Suki but not me, am I not a trustworthy friend?" Aang asked defensively

"I'm sorry aang was just afraid everyone would judge us because we are both guys" Zuko admitted

"I don't care, I just want you guys to trust me enough to tell me these things," Aang said

Zuko put his hand on Aangs shoulder and smiled "I do trust you" Zuko said

"Thanks" Aang smiled

"We should get back," Zuko said

"Yeah," Aang said following Zuko back to camp

As they reached the camp Zuko and Aang spotted Sokka slumped on the ground

"What's wrong?" Zuko asked

"Katata and I got in a fight," Sokka said

"Is it because of us?" Zuko asked

"Yeah, I just don't know why she's so upset about it," Sokka said

"No offense but small-town people tend to be intolerant," Aang said

"Yeah I guess so," Sokka said sulking

"She'll come around I know she will" Aang beamed

~~alrigh guys im going to cut it short here, its getting a little long, hopefully its more organized now thanks to grammarly, i promise a R rated scene next chapter. na we demen!~~

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