The (Real) Date

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I'm super sorry for not updating, I've been struggling to figure out how to portray the next part, while also debating on the narrator's pronouns. Additionally, I am unsure if anyone wants this to continue to be an ongoing story, or turn into oneshots. Please leave a comment on what you would prefer.
~a fellow Kyle kinnie

After heading home from Kyle's you ran to your room. Immediately upon entering, you launched yourself onto your bed, smothering your face into a pillow. You had finally done it, you'd finally asked him out, and he said yes. A soft squeal escaped your mouth as you hid your face, muffling the sound. All you could think about was him and his stupid brace face. You then flipped over onto your bed and stared at the ceiling,
"Oh god I need to get an outfit!" You spoke aloud, before flinging yourself off the bed and running to your closet.

————~Time Skip~————

After an afternoon of deciding on an outfit, thinking of Kyle, and internally screaming about the whole situation, you were finally ready for the big night. It was officially Friday, the day of the dance, and you couldn't hold in your anticipation. There was still an entire school day that you had to wait through, however it was going to be much different than previous days. Kyle had done something that impacted your entire friendship, and you had no idea how things would be now. Would you officially be a couple? Would he even remember what happened? All these questions raced through your mind as you pushed open the front door of the school building.

Upon entering Mr. Mufflin's class, you were greeted by Yo, who was a sort of close friend.
"Hi y/n! You excited for the dance tonight?" She cheerfully asked.
"I-I guess you could say that...I'm still a bit nervous about the whole thing though, I've never had a-"
"Oh there's Kyle, Hi Kyle!" You were cut off by Yo once she caught a glimpse of your date, causing a light blush to cover your cheeks. The dark haired wizard looked up from his book and glared at Yo, before making eye contact with you, his expression softening.
"Hello, Yo..." he groaned in annoyance.
"Aren't you excited for the dance! You get to take a date this year, and I bet someone is waiting for you to ask them~" she cooed towards him, causing his expression to contort into a cringe.
"As a matter of fact, I am..." Kyle  pushed Yo out of his way, before taking your hand,
"I'm taking Y/N as my date! And I have no doubts about my choice.." he grinned as he turned to you, your face becoming even more red. Your interactions made Yo gasp in excitement,
"Oh my gosh! You two are so cute! I totally ship it." She held her hands together happily, before drawing an air heart around you and Kyle. The young girl then skipped away gleefully, leaving you and Kyle alone. The wizard took your other hand in his, now facing you,
"How about we take our seats? We don't want to be tardy for class, now do we?" He teased.
"S-Shoosh, you! Now do you have the project?" You asked while blushing,
"I wouldn't leave without it." Kyle then took out his wand before conjuring up a spell, making your poster appear.
"Could you have done that with the entire project?" You questioned,
"Maybe~" the boy began laughing a bit, before you scoffed and playfully shoved him.

————~Time Skip~————

The school day was finally over,
with the dance only hours away. You didn't want to admit it, but dating your former friend was more scary than one would think. Kyle seemed to have taken grasp of the whole dating thing, unlike you, who was still stuck in between acting like a friend and acting like a girlfriend.
"Am I supposed to act like him...? He seems like he's got it all figured out, like he knows what he's doing...maybe he's had a girlfriend before," You thought to yourself painfully. As you pondered upon the thoughts of dating, you realized you had just arrived home. Your parents wouldn't be home for the night, as they both were working late shifts, meaning you had the house all to yourself. With this free time you began to prepare for your date, fixing your hair and other amenities.

A few hours passed, and you could only wait for Kyle at this point. You wondered if he'd like your outfit at all, as you did try to match his whole wizard attire. You wore your own cloak, which was (f/c), and a (s/f/c) dress that reached  your knees. You did a small twirl in the mirror, causing your dress to flow a bit, before heading outside.  Before you could even reach for the front door, you were suddenly teleported outside, but not on the ground. You looked down to find yourself on Kyle's broomstick, with him in front of you.
"Greetings, (y/-" he was cut off by the sounds of your screams. You weren't expecting to be so high up in the air, which resulted in you immediately falling off.
"Oh Dear! I've got you!" Kyle yelled as he flew downwards, before catching you in his arms. You quickly calmed down while grabbing onto him for dear life, his shirt collar clutched in your hand. Upon realizing your current state, Kyle landed the broom while still holding you, before nervously dropping you.
"Ow.." you groaned as your head hit the grass.
"My apologies...would you," the young wizard scratched behind his neck, "like to try again...?" He then extended a hand towards your frame, awaiting your response.

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