"Just wake him up" Osamu said calmly

"He won't wake up" Y/n said almost considering he was dead but she quickly cancelled out that thought as she saw his back moving up and down slowly.

Osamu didn't respond but walked up to their seat and jabbed Suna in the sides causeing him to jolt awake.

As Suna's senses return he noticed he was cuddled to a chest laying on y/n's boobs. Once he realized this he quickly sat up with a blush evident on his face. Which caused Osamu to burst out laughing.

"No I don't like her he said" Osamu said quietly as he laughed to himself before walking off the bus leaving Suna and y/n a blushing mess

"I-um I'm sorry" Suna muttered

"You're fine lets go shall we" she responded with a red tint along her cheeks

They nodded before heading off the bus and joining head count.

"Alright guys we are up against Itachiyama first let's give it our all" the coach said with a smile as the guys walked into the gym like badasses.

"Good luck" y/n said with a smile to Suna before walking off to find a water fountain

She left Suna with a small blush causing Osamu to snicker.

"Let's do our best for her yeah" Osamu said with a small smile causing Suna to nod rather eagerly

"ARGH" Atsumu yelled aggravated as he serves the ball out of bounds giving Itachiyama the point causing Sukusa to smirk

"Atsumu relax if you work your self up then you'll only drag the team further down you know that" y/n said seriously

The boys all took the girls words to heart even if she was only talking to Atsumu after all the only other time they see her serious is when she's on the court herself.

Break came quick, y/n quickly handed out towels and water bottles giving out small words of encouragement.

"You're doing great out their Suna" y/n said with a smile

"Thanks" he said before guzzling the water

The boys quickly ran back out leaving y/n on the bench with the coach.

"He's been a lot happier since you've arrived" the coach said with a small smile

"I'm glad" y/n responded beaming

I like making him happy, that small smile that grows on his face boosts my own so fast. I didn't have the happiest life over in America but now I feel it running through my veins whenever I'm with the team whenever I'm with Suna

Y/n thought with a smile as she watched the game mainly focusing on Itachiyama's weaknesses.

Y/n quietly served out dinner to her team but not before noticing her brothers and Suna where missing from the table.

"Where are the other boys" she asked as she handed Kita his dinner

"I'm not too sure but thank you for dinner" Kita said before digging in

She finished passing out plates before sighing and walking around the Itachiyama campus. She spotted a gym with the lights on so she quickly made her way there.

"Boys?" She questioned before entering

She didn't here a response but made her way in anyway only to see her boys and some of the Shiratorizawa members playing. She observed them with sweat traveling down their forms and they painted with exhaustion.

"BOYS!" She yelled

They all froze and slowly looked up with Suna rubbing his head as a volleyball hit him.

"If y'all want the dinner I cooked I suggest you get your asses to the cafeteria because all you are going to get from being here is exhaustion and hunger" y/n said sternly as many of the boys cleared out

"Atsumu" she called out warningly

"Yes my dear lovely sister" he said with a polite tone

"Get" she responded with a harsh tone

Atsumu dropped the ball with a nervous chuckle before running out of the gym causing Osamu and Suna to chuckle.

Y/n sighed quietly before she began cleaning the gym up. She got the majority of it done until the net, she was short so the top of the net was barely in her reach.

She jumped only to miss the string and after a few failed attempts she felt two skinny yet strong hands wrap around her waist before lifting her up. She let out a small yelp as Suna lifted her up with a Chuckle which made her heart flutter.

She quickly pulled the string causing Suna to gently put her down. They both walked to the other side where he did the same thing but this time he didn't let go of her waist.

He gently put his head in the crook of her shoulder causing her to tense before relaxing.

"Suna what are you doing" she whispered

"You said you wanted me right" Suna whispered back causing her breath to hitch

She turned herself around to see Suna with a small smile stuck on his face but the moment was soon interrupted.

"Y/N!" Atsumu voice echoed through the gym causing both her and Suna to jump before separating

"Coming" she yelled to her impatient brother before grabbing the net to put it back

She quickly shut the door before grabbing Suna' Hand dragging him to dinner.

Y/n ate about half of her plate while the other boys where already on their seconds.

"Are you not going to eat it all" Suna said with slight concern

"I-um I'm just not to hungry tonight" y/n said

"Oh well make sure you eat tomorrow" he said with a  slight suspiciousness

"I will. Osamu here" she said handed him the plate before making her way to the kitchen.

She pulled her earbuds in while she washed the boys dishes. She hummed along time her f/s while she finished the last few dishes. Suna silently observed her as she washed, she was shaking her hips slightly while she hummed.

"I like when you dance" Suna said gently after he took her ear bud out

Y/n slightly jumped not noticing Suna was there.

"So Suna will you be mine" she said with a smile

"I already am" he whispered hugging her from behind

Word count: 1464

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