Curiosity Fueled the Flame

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Gurjin and Rian had an extremely long guards shift. Patrolling the castle wasn't easy work at all, especially with a midday shift it seemed nearly impossible. Both gelfling were terribly exhausted after walking circles all day, moving from one floor to another. They were both excited to return to their bunk room for a good night sleep.

"Today was such a slog." Gurjin practically moaned the words as he flopped onto the lower bunk of their beds, which were crammed into the rather small room.

"You could say that again." Rian muttered, sitting next to Gurjin on the bed and leaning over to remove his boots.

"They really should consider changing the work shifts, working from the moment the three brothers rise to much past when they fall is just absurd!" The Drenchen whined.

"Maybe I'll mention it to father..." Rian trailed off, "Hey Gurjin, what do you think about the group of Paladin's visiting from Har'ar?" Rian made himself comfortable at the other end of Gurjin's bed.

"What is there for me to think? They seem like typical Vaprans. They think they're better than us because they serve the All-Maudra, but we have the last laugh because we get to serve the lords of the crystal!" Gurjin said, scoffing to himself. He looked over at Rian who had curled up at the foot of his bed.

"You didn't think some of the girls were pretty?" Rian asked, eyes narrowing as they locked with Gurjin's.

"Nope. Too polished for me. They wouldn't last a day in the Great Smerth." Gurjin's disinterest piqued Rian's interest.

"Isn't that all girls though Gurjin? Polished?" Rian asked, teasing the Drenchen.

Gurjin groaned, picked up a pillow that was laying behind his body and slung it at the other boy. "What are you on about? It's late Rian, and you know how I feel about getting my sleep..."

"Gurjin lets just stay up late tonight chatting, for good times sake?" Rian begged, leaning over towards the Drenchen, lightly shaking his legs.

Gurjin sighed, Rian could be so needy sometimes, but Gurjin found it incredibly hard to resist the beautiful Stonewood boy, especially when he sported a mischievous grin. "What is it you'd like to chat about exactly, Rian?" He shifted his eyes to meet the other boy's, teasing him a bit since he was ultimately exhausted but conflicted because he really did want to make Rian happy.

"I mean, how about girls? Can we chat about girls?" Rian asked, eyes going wide.

Gurjin's spirits fell. He wasn't really interested in girls these days... If he was being honest occasionally another female castle guard would suit his interests but he really just felt his stomach flip when he'd catch Rian smiling at him, or when he heard Rian's pure deep laughter. His mind seemed to consistently be clouded by Rian. "Whatever you want." Gurjin muttered matter-of-factly said.

"I mean, just like... Tell me, have you ever kissed a girl?" Rian asked, eyes moving to his hands which were twiddling in his lap.

Gurjin wanted to laugh out loud, but he knew that Rian would feel insecure and embarrassed if he did. He hadn't expected the conversation to move much past how pretty Rian thought the Vapran paladins were. "Uh, of course, yes." Gurjin thought back to his times back in Sog where he'd earned a bit of a cheeky reputation for sneaking off with both girls and boys to steal kisses from one another. Other than kissing he hadn't done much, but occasionally he'd find himself with and older partner and he was always eager to learn whatever new tricks they'd teach him.

"Really? What was it like?" Rian asked, excitedly. "You know growing up in the castle I didn't really have many opportunities, especially with my dad being around all the time..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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