
314 4 27

1: Please respect others
2: Be inclusive
3: Tag after two hours if I don't respond. Either i'm busy or asleep because we all need that. I will tag after two hours as well unless I can tell that you're busy or asleep.
4: Don't be racist
5: No mary or gary sues
6: Don't make your character OP
7: Play my crush and I play yours.
8: Smut in PM only if you want to do that.
9: Play some of the other characters as well.
10: Three strikes and you're outta here.
11: Have fun!
12: Alright so since Wattpad is going on a witch hunt from the looks of it, I'm gonna have to add this rule. If you're gonna swear then censor it.
13: More rules will be added if necessary.

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