Chapter 1

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"Babe guess what I bought you for your birthday?"

"A cute dress?"

"Haha silly, nope! Try again"

"Hmmm, maybe a new phone case?"

"Completely wrong! Wow your guessing skills are bad!"

"Come on Xavi! Just tell me already. You KNOW I'm impatient!"

"Technically it's for us..."


"Okay, okay fine, I guess I'll tell you!"

"Nora, Nora wake up it's your birthday!"

"Hmmm, Xavi what is it?"

"Nora you dummy! It's Mads, your best friend. Not the guy you're pining after!"

"Ugh Mads, why'd you have to wake me! I was having SUCH a good dream! Xavi bought me something for my birthday and now I'll never know what it is. You suck."

"Shush grumpy, you LOVE me! Now isn't what I got us wayyy better than what imaginary dream boy Xavi got you?"

"Ooooh, now you have my attention! What did you get me?"

"Got us!"

"What the heck you sound like Xavi?"

"Girl are you drunk??"

"NO! In the dream he said it was 'technically for us'!"

"Okay anyways, moving on from Xavi, we've said his name way too many times today. It's all in here!" Mads said handing me an envelope

I ripped open the envelope to find plane tickets in my hand.


"YESSSS I know how much you love to travel so I thought it would be perfect!"

"WELL IT IS OMG I LOVE YOU BEST FRIEND! Wait, why are there FOUR tickets? Who else is coming?"

"Well my parents said that my annoying brother has to come and we might as well invite his best friend so that they can leave us alone to explore Paris!"

"HOLY BIG MAC! NOOOO WAY! Garrett and Xavi are coming!!"

"Chill the freak out, but yes they are."

"Ugh, it's a dream! I lovee you. Wait, when do we leave?"

"Tomorrow! We need to get our nails done and pack, so drag your lazy ass out of bed!"

"I'm in heaven." I said staring at my ceiling. My first kiss could be under the Eiffel Tower with the man of my dreams at 18 years old. Wow.

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