Chapter 5__The World Has Turned and Left Me Here

Start from the beginning

My phone rang. Seeing who it was, I immediately answered. "Tyler?" 

"I was driving the truck, Nikki." 


"This guy ran right in front of me, and he's hurt bad. He's pinned under my truck. If he dies, I'm a werewolf all over again, okay? I need you to get here. We're in a ditch. I don't know where, but I need you here now, so please hurry." 

"Tyler, you don't understand. You drove right through the maze. There are injured people everywhere." 

I looked around, noticing that Elena was looking toward me, listening. 

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" 

Elena walked closer.

I put it on speaker. 

"Ty, it's Elena," Elena told him. "Just listen. Just hang on. Um, make sure that you keep him awake. Assess his injuries while we go find Jo and Alaric." 


Elena and I found Dr. Josetta Laughlin and Alaric kneeling next to an injured man. 

"Dr. Laughlin, my friend Tyler, he's in trouble, and it sounds really bad, and... we don't know where he is," I told her.

"Call me Jo," Laughlin told me. "Put him on speaker." 

"Okay," I told her putting it on speaker. 

"Tyler, can you hear me?" Jo asked. 

"I--I don't know what to do. I think he's losing consciousness." 

"I need you to answer my questions as accurately as you can. Is there blood?" 


"Is it still flowing? Is he bleeding now?" 

"No. No. I... it looks like it stopped." 

"Is there any coming out of his nose, or his mouth?" 


"What color is it? Is it red, or is it black?" 

"It's black. It's really freaking black. What do I do?" 

"Take his hand."

"Now what?" 

"Just try and keep him comfortable. Won't be long now." 

I shook my head.


This couldn't happen.

I turned away, hanging up, starting to walk away.

Elena followed me. "Nicola." I turned to face her. "Even if you get there before he dies, it's too late. Vampire blood won't save him before he..." 

"I have to do something," I told her. "Stay here, make sure no one dies. Save as many of them as you can."

Elena nodded.

I turned around, making sure no one was watching me, rushing away.


I followed the sound of Tyler's voice in the corn maze. 

It sounded like he was hitting the victim's chest. "Come on, man. Please, you gotta live. Come on, buddy. Come on. Come on, man. You can't die." 

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