"Take a seat, there's something we need to discuss," Mother said.

"There is nothing to discuss," Father said and turned to Keith. "As discussed earlier, the threat to Chloe's security has been removed and your services will no longer be required."

He turned back to the window and my heart clenched painfully. No, no...

"Yes sir," Keith replied obediently.

I looked at him. What? Didn't he have anything else to say? That was it?

"Your final payment has been transferred to your account. You are free to leave now," Father said without turning from the window.

Just like that? So many years, Keith had shadowed me and protected me, and it was all over in less than a minute. Did this man have no heart?

"Yes sir," Keith repeated and turned on his heel. I stared at him with my mouth hanging open till my mind stopped spinning and I registered what was happening.

My arm shot out and grabbed Keith's shirt. "Stop!"

Keith froze and I heard my father sigh.

"Father," I cleared my throat. "I don't want Keith to go."

Father finally turned from the damn window. I don't know what the hell was so interesting outside.

"I think Keith should stay," I said firmly.

"No," Father said simply.

"No? What do you mean no?!"

"It means no, Keith cannot stay," Father said patronizingly and took a sip of his red wine. I wanted to throw the damn drink in his face.

I took a step forward and tried to keep my anger under control. It probably didn't help that I was on my time of the month.

"I want Keith to stay. I think it would be better if he stayed."

"Keith's services are no longer required and there is no point in keeping him," Father said impatiently and I felt my blood boil. I took another step forward, standing in front of my sorry excuse of a father.

"He's just another faceless employee to you, isn't he? Keith is much more than that, Father. He has been with me for much longer than you two have been around me. He helped me when no one did and he saved my life multiple times. I owe him my life. He is strong and kind and wise. It would be foolish to let such a valuable person go."

"Well, I don't share your opinion," he said in disinterest.

I gritted my teeth. I can see that. Tears rose to my eyes and I swallowed, looking up at him with wide, teary eyes. Please. Please don't do this.

"I will ask you nicely one more time. Let Keith stay. I don't see how it's going to affect you anyways. If it's the pay you're worried about, I'll take care of it. I've never asked much of you, Father. Just give me this."

"You'll pay for him?" Father laughed mockingly. "Do you think his salary fits your allowance? Grow up little girl."

My hands curled into fists and I glared at him. He was doing this on purpose. It's not like Keith's salary would cause a dent in his wallet, not even a scratch. He was doing this purely out of spite. He knew how badly I wanted it so he was refusing, knowing I'm helpless.

Before I knew what I was doing, I grabbed his wine glass and threw it against the wall, where it shattered into a thousand pieces.

Never mess with a girl on her period.

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