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It made me smile when he introduced himself. I knew who he was of course, but it's nice to ask someone their name for a change. I looked down at his leg that had a cloth tied around it. it had blood on it, and it made me concerned.

"What happened to you?" I asked him, referring to his leg.

"A grounder stabbed me in the leg."

I noticed his wrists were red. My hand reached for them, and I lightly touched them. He flinched, which made me jump a little and making me pull my hand back a little. I reached for them again and grabbed them gently. They were raw and sore from the bounds the grounders put on his hands. I sighed and put the down.

"We'll take you back to camp, and I'll take care of you."

He lightly smirked, which caused a small smile to form across my lips. I felt my face heat up for some unknown reason. I looked away and over at Abby and Raven.

"What happened to her?" I asked Abby.

"She was shot. We need to take them back to camp. Raven needs surgery and we need to get his leg fixed up."

She turned towards Raven and started looking around the drop ship.

"Abby... Clarke's... not here." She managed to get out.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"I don't know." She breathed out.

My dad walked into the drop ship and looked down at us. He held his gun tightly in his hand as he looked around the drop ship. He turned towards John and held his hand out. John grabbed my dad's hand and swung his arm around his shoulder. My dad grabbed his upper back and helped him stand. When my dad looked down at me, he smiled and I smiled back at him.

Two guards came in and brought a stretcher inside. Abby and I went on either side of Raven. On her signal, we lifted her up lightly and placed her into the stretcher. We walked out of the drop ship and I gasped at the sight I saw. Bellamy was on the ground and punching John in the face numerous times. I started to become frightened for John, seeing that he's injured. I looked at my dad and he started to walk over to Bellamy with a taser. He put it against Bellamy's side which caused him to fall sideways off of John. I let out a sigh of relief as my dad picked Bellamy up and two guards grabbed his arms.

"You can't arrest him! Murphy killed two of our people!" Finn yelled at my dad.

"I don't care! You are not animals! You aren't in charge here anymore." My dad said to Bellamy.

I walked over to Murphy, which is what I guess people call him, and held out my hand. He grabbed it, which sent a rush through me. I pulled and he stood up. He started to stumble forward, but I grabbed his forearms and held him up. His hands lightly gripped my lower arms as he steadied himself. That's when I noticed he had blue eyes, just like mine. We stared at each other for a moment, but then I looked away. Before I could start blushing, I looked at two other guards.

"We're going to need another stretcher please."

Murphy was now laying on a stretcher. Abby was writing a message on the side of the drop ship for Clarke when she gets back here. We know Clarke, and we know she'd come here first. I saw Bellamy and Finn talking in hushed tones on the other side of us. Once my dad ordered us to start moving out, the guards grabbed the stretchers that had Raven and Murphy. We started to head out of the ruined camp, but I stopped and turned to face Abby.

"Abby, we have to go. She'll find us."

She read the message she left Clarke one more time, and then followed me out of camp.


When we got back to camp, Bellamy was arrested and locked up. We took Raven and Murphy to the infirmary tent to have them looked at. Abby was looking at Raven's wound, while I was getting ready to stitch up Murphy's leg. I got the needle and thread from the medical kit, and walked over to him. He sat in a chair near the corner of the tent. I pulled up a seat and sat next to him. I took out a bottle of peroxide and put some on a cloth.

"Ready?" I asked him.

He nodded, and lightly put it on his cut. He hissed in pain and gripped onto the chair tightly. I sadly smiled, but continued to clean his cut.

"Are you ok? About what happened earlier?"

I felt myself become sad when I looked at the bruises and scratches on his face. I reached out and lightly grazed my fingers along his cheek. He seemed shocked at what I was doing, which made me confused.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you helping me?" He asked.

"It's my job. I'm a doctor." I said slightly laughing.

"Why do you care about me? Most people don't care for me that much."

"You haven't given me a reason to not like you, if that's what you mean. Plus, everyone makes mistakes."

He lightly smirked at me, which made me smile. He has a cute smirk. I put the needle inside the thread and turned towards him.

"This is going to hurt."

"You're a very assuring doctor." He chuckled

"Well, I'd rather be honest than lie." I laughed.

Murphy's P.O.V.

She bent her head down and started laughing, which made me light up inside. She had an amazing laugh.

No Murphy.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

I nodded my head and closed my eyes, waiting for the needle to come. She lightly whispered something, and that's when I felt it. I hissed in pain as she slowly pulled the needle through, and started stitching up my leg. She did it again, but it felt like it was just getting worse. I tried to tell myself she knew what she was doing, and everything was going to be alright, but that didn't help the pain.

"I'm going as quickly as I can." She assured, which really didn't help.

I turned away from her when I started making weird, painful faces. I didn't want her to see me like this. She'd think I'm psycho.

"Done." She said, after what seemed like a million years.

I looked down at my leg, and it was nicely stitched. She grabbed a bandage and started wrapping it around my leg. I let out a big sigh and threw my head back. I heard a small giggle escape her, which caused me to look up at her.

"What?" I asked her, laughing slightly.

"You're the first person who hasn't screamed while doing that." She said.

I couldn't help, but smile when I looked at her. Whenever I looked at her, something inside of me sparked up, and I don't know why. I barely knew her. Why is this happening?

"Chancellor Kane."

I looked up when I heard Abby address Chancellor Kane, Claire's father, when he walked into the tent. He looked around the tent, and his gazing stopped when he saw me. He signaled the guards, and they started walking towards me. They grabbed my arms and stood me up.

"What are you doing?" Claire asked her dad, her face looking panicked.

"John Murphy, you are now under arrest for murder."


Yay! I updated.😂
I hope you all liked the first chapter!

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