"Ya! I'm sure Izu would like to as well!"

"W-wait live as in front of people?"

"Yeah! It'll help with your stage fright pulse you don't have to see them they can only see you!"


"If Izuku is doing it I guess I will."


"Sorry boys but I'm out."

"Okay Sero!"

They all sit on the couch and Kirishima sets up his camera and phone and mic. Soon enough they are ready to go live and Kirishima does a count down. And just like that they are live.

(On the couch in order from left to right Kaminari, Bakugo's, Midoriya, Mina, Kirishima.)

"Hey guys today we have a couple guest on the live! Wanna introduce yourselves?"

"Katsuki Bakugo."

Bakugo grunts.

"Mina Ashido!"

"Izuku M-Midoriya."

He looks down at his lap.

"Okay guys so we are on our tour around Japan right now, soooo what better to do than a Q & A!"

As Midoriya leans back into the couch as he feels a bit of anxiety buildup. He started to play with the hem of his shirt, Mina didn't notice the subtle sign but Bakugo does. Bakugo takes action by gently rubbing the boys thigh right above his knee. Midoriya is thankful for the small action so he looks up to Bakugo and smiles.

"Okayyyy so first qestion... What are your relationship status? Well I'm single! I think we all are right?"

"Well I might not be in at the end of this tour."

"Dunce face I think we all know your not getting a girl."


"Wait your Bi?"


"Okayyyyy next question... Is that Deku? YEAH! He is actually doing three live performances that's why he is touring with us."

"Okay next! Who is that baby of the group?"





"What?! I am not the baby!"

Midoriya's face is flushed red and he is hiding it behind Bakugo. The group laughs and carry on with a few more questions.

"Mmmkay... Why is Bakugo rubbing Midoriya's leg? Uhhhh..."

"Because he's anxious, why do you guys have a problem with it?"

Bakugo says pissed off by the small question.

"Whatever next question... Deku what is the band like?"

All the band members look to Midoriya who stutters an answer out.

"I-I.. Well um they are r-really nice and fun to be around... They're like family!"

He smiles. This shocks everyone at the small burst of confidence from the boy. The group all aww and pull him into a hug.

"Well I believe that enough Q & A so how about truth or Dare? You guys up for it?"

They all nod and Kaminari opens his Instapam.

"Okay so you can ask us Truths and Dares on my Instapam! I put up post that says Truth or Dare so put the questions on the comments!"

Soon enough their are millions of truths and dares. Kaminari does a random scroll and shows it to the camera.

"Okay it's a dare for Izuku. The dare says to sit on my lap? Okay y'all are weird."

Midoriya does the dare and sits on Kaminari's lap. After a minute he hops off and goes back to his spot on the couch. They get through about ten rounds and nothing big happens until one truth for Midoriya came up.

Kaminari has been showing the questions before reading them so everyone on the stream knew before them. Kaminari flips his phone to look at the question.

"Okay! Oh... Hell nah! Y'all that's none of your God dam business!"

Kaminari was slightly pissed at the question the commenter has asked.

"What is it?"

They all ask obviously confused at Kaminari's attitude towards the comment.

"It asked if Izuku had mental issues because he was anxious! That fucking rude you don't ask people about that!"

This seemed to piss everyone off and Midoriya just froze. He took a few shaky breath before speaking up.

"I'm sorry but that's not something I want to share right now... I'm going to go get some water..."

Midoriya got up from the couch and went to the small kitchen they had. He got a cup of water and didn't come back on camera. Bakugo noticed his little hints of anxiety peeking through so he got up and walked over to him. Bakugo gently grabbed Midoriya's hand and took him to the little lounge they had in the back so they could be alone.

"You okay Izuku?"

"Y-yeah I just needed a break. I need my anxiety medication I haven't taken it today."

"Will it get bad if you don't take it?"

"Yeah worse than usual. It's in my bag but that's in the living room. I don't wanna go back out..."

"Here you just sit down and get comfortable we can watch a movie and just calm down. I'll be back with snacks and your bag."

Bakugo walked out of the room and into the living room. The rest of the band still had the stream going but that didn't stop him from making noise in the kitchen.

"Bakubro what are you doing?"

"Well I'm going to watch a movie with Deku. Got a fucking problem shitty hair?"

"No no just wondering."

Kirishima turns his attention back to his stream and continued taking to his audience. A few minutes pass and the popcorn was done. He grabbed the bowl and Midoriya's bag heading back to the lounge.

-1275 words-

Hey guys I just wanted to thank you for all the positive comments on my last chapter.
Seriously the votes and comments mean a lot!
Drop a follow and a like if you find my writing good enough for your standards. 🤣

✨💜Love all my little stars!💜✨

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