Decisions Decisions

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Hannei sighs as she prepared for another morning of middle school. Just 1 more week until the Entrance Exams For U.A. then she could get the hell out of there. Sure she was going to miss her best friend, Kimi Kimura,
her quirk is Transformation, who she just met when she transferred to Nabu Middle School but who she will miss most was just right next door. 

She was taken into the memory of how her and Hitoshi met. It was as the local park and the other kids were picking on her just because she accidentally looked at their eyes and her mirror side activated, making her look at them. Hitoshi beat up the older boy after he used his quirk on them and helped her get cleaned up. Since then, he had been her silent protector.

Suddenly the doorbell rang as her parents are heard arguing in the kitchen.

"Coming Toshi!" She yelled to the door. "Goodbye Mother, Goodbye Father. I will be home as soon as possible. It is my turn for cleaning today after school." She said calmly as she was greeted with silence before putting on her shoes and walked out the door to meet her longtime best friend and now boyfriend, Hitoshi Shinso.

The purple haired boy smiled down at the small girl. She barely reached his shoulder and she wore her moonlight iridescent hair down which would annoy him but he smiled. He smiled as he set his bag down and pulled her hair back into a low ponytail, earning a small smile from her. He was about to smile back until as he saw the dark circles under her eyes.

"Kitten, have you been up all night listening to them argue again?" He asked as he cradled her cheek in his hand before grabbing her school bag with his other hand.  She had a small smile at the gentle touch as she sighed but nodded.

"Yes, honestly Toshi, I can't study if they keep arguing all night. How am I going to get into UA if I don't pass the Entrance Exams." Hannei beams as she yawns as they stop for a coffee and a slice of toast on the way to school.

"Oh, Mom, said she packed your favorite for lunch in the Bento and you are more than welcome to come over this weekend to study if you need a break since your parents are gone. Mom has to work but she is leaving us money to get food." Hitoshi said once Hannei has finished her toast as her phone had dinged.

"Mmmm, I love when she makes the Bentos! That normally means good Onigiri, Tamagoyaki from breakfast and Omurice!" Hannei says with excitement as she pulled out her phone.

"Mom made all that and she put Kokokke in there too." Hitoshi laughs at his girlfriend's childishness as she read the text message.

Father: I have something to tell you after work tonight. Ensure you are awake by the time I am home.

'Is he serious? That will be at like 3am!' Hannei thought as Shinso looked over her shoulder.

"Isn't he going on a Mission with Endeavor and Hawks today?" Hitoshi asked as Hannei nodded, sighing before putting her phone on silent and putting it back in her bag.

"Wow, you heard it all last night? I am so sorry but yes while my Mother is going with Edgeshot on a Mission. I swear, those two have been going on missions more and more since you and I started dating." Hannei groaned they walked down the street.

"What is their problem? You don't think they are already trying to plan our wedding?" Hitoshi smirks as he and Hannei walked into the grounds of the school, holding hands.

"Toshi, that's not funny. And don't share those thoughts with Kenzo, he is still impressionable for a 9 year old." Hannei scolded but the thoughts of her little brother made her smile.

Kenzo Tsukikage, her 9 year old brother. His quirk was brainwashing but his could only work when someone touched him. He had alot of practice thanks to Ms. Shinso since she had the same quirk. Mother and Father said that the reason why they named him Kenzo was because there was a baby before Hannei but they died before their birth but they keep the memory alive.

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