Chapter 11: You're Stuck in my mind

Start from the beginning

"So you feel guily and ashamed of stabbing me? That almost sounds like a mental apology." She stuck her tongue out and swiftly walked ahead. There was a door at the end, but it was locked. She jiggled the doorknob a few times but it didn't budge. She raised her foot ready to kick it down but Damian stopped her. "What if there is another way to open it?" he pulled a lockpicking set out of his pocket.

"And how do you have that? Also Why?"

"Never leave home without it." the lock still wouldn't budge.

"I thought you were good at this stuff." he gave her a look.

"This isn't your typical door princess." she felt fury rise in her veins. She kicked him in the face. hard.

"DON'T CALL ME PRINCESS." he held his jaw and glared at her.

"You could have just TOLD ME THAT instead of KICKING ME IN THE FACE." they were nose to nose once again.

"Well I had to get something into that THICK SKULL OF YOURS."

"Ok, you know what? I think that YOU NEED TO-" she threw a right hook and he countered. "I refuse to fight you like this." she scoffed.

"Well suck it up. Let's go. Now." he sighed.

"You're not in the right state of mind and you will make sloppy mistakes. It's not worth it to get your ass beat without honor." she rolled her eyes.

"You're a Dick." he smirked.

"Wrong brother, I'm Damian. We already went through this." she pushed him and waked back over to the door. She walked back, then ran into it using her shoulder to push it open. The door opened a crack, then slammed shut. He cursed then pulled her back before she could try it again. "Stop it you idiot. It hurts. You're adrenaline level is extremely high." she slammed her head into the door, accepting defeat. He chuckled.

"What's so funny? That I'm a failure?" he laughed again.

"No, that you still didn't give up yet. I'm surprised." she shrugged and sat down on the floor. He joined her. "Well, since I'm stuck in here, I'm glad it's you and not some moron who has three brain cells." she chuckled.

"Are you calling me smart? Or strong willed?" he folded his hands and laced them behind his neck.

"Maybe a little of both, but don't get any smart ideas." she smiled with a nod and leaned back closer to him.

"I'm exhausted. Mind if I use you as a pillow?" he scoffed.

"You already seem to have done that without my permission. Don't get too comfortable." a few minutes later she snuggled closer to him. He felt heat spread down to his neck. "Ok, you can get up now." he shook her shoulder. "Come on, we have to try to get out." she clung to his shirt. "Marinette, please get up. Come on." she didn't move. He sighed and felt his own conscience slip away. "I'm about to fall asleep. It will be your fault." he felt his scowl dissapear, and fell asleep.


"Guys, come on. Wake up. It's been almost five hours." Tim was still at Bruce's desk, seeing that he was still in a meeting. Bruce stepped through the door and Tim jumped up.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WORK I'M GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE UP? WHAT THE HELL MAN?" Tim started to have a panic attack. Bruce put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, the meeting ran a little long and I couldn't leave. Besides, we all know that you are months ahead with your files. Progress report on these two?" Tim sighed.

"Nothing. I tried everything I could. It's almost as if they are in a coma or something." Bruce knit his eyebrows.

"Could it be soulmate related?" Tim shrugged.

"Even if it is, you have to let it run it's course. Could take a few minutes for them to wake up, could be days. I don't know enough about it. Even Google has it's knowlege limits on this. It's not simple. Maybe Alfred knows what's going on." Bruce took a deep breath.

"Take them back to the manor, and into the med bay. We can care for them from there." Tim nodded and called Alfred.

"Hey Alfred. Damian and Marinette are passed out in Bruce's office. Can you come pick them up? Yeah? Thank you sir."


"Damian. Hey Damian. Wake up. I don't know where we are. Don't leave me alone. Please get up." she shook him harder and harder.

"Hey, I'm up. Can you stop shaking me? It's making me dizzy." she looked at him apolegetically and pat him on the head. She then notice the position they were in.

"Sorry." she quickly jumped off his lap and he waved a hand.

"It's fine. Where are we? I don't remember passing this place." the room was white and it only had one screen. Next to it, on a table, there was a remote with two buttons. One for each of their names.

"I don't know where we are now, but I really want to get out. This place gives me creepy vibes." he nodded.

"What does this button do-" Marinette slapped the remote out of his hand.

"Did you ever watch a scary movie? This is how people die. I might want to die, but not under these circumstances." Damian paled and grabbed her shoulders.

"Are you suicidal? We need to talk about this." she slapped his hands away with a glare.

"The only thing WE need to talk about, is how to get out of here." he dropped his arm.

"I'm just trying to help you. And do the right thing. Will you ever stop pushing people away? It actually hurts you know." she sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I'd rather not talk about this while we are trapped in our own minds. Or ever really." he sat down.

"What better time than now?" she shook her head and analyzed the remote.

"Ok, so there really is just two buttons. What if we both pressed our own names at the same time?" He shrugged.

"Worth a shot I guess." they both pressed their own button and shot awake. Alfred walked over with two glasses of water.

"You two are finally up. Goodie."

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