Test Grade

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"Dude! Dude!" Randall said hyped up. Hamish didn't hear him because he was so focused on his study material. This led to Randall getting frustrated and letting out an annoyed huff.

"Ham-Radio. Silence of the Hams. Bro-Ham-ien Rhapsody," Randall ranted in an effort to get his attention.

Hamish finally looked up and said,"Please stop," with a pleading look in his eyes. Yet another beverage concoction was by his books.

"Ooh, what's this called?" Randall said taking a swig. He immediately winced and did a half cough.

"That's... strong," Randall stated after smelling it after his taste.

Hamish gently took the glass from Randall's hands and took a sip himself.

"It's Fireball and Crystal Light Peach Green Tea with a splash of vodka," Hamish explained.

"Kind of tastes like peach cobbler," Randall said.

Hamish nodded and said "It kind of does, yeah,".

Randall stood there a second before his whole face lit up as he remembered what he came to Hamish for.

"Guess what?" Randall excitedly asked. His wide, brown eyes filled with barely contained glee. They were shining. A beautiful sight.

"What?" Hamish said exasperatedly. He assumed this was just another piece of gossip or he got another coupon for pizzas.

"I, Randall Carpio, got a fucking 95 on an exam!" Randall said spinning and jumping around. His black curly, hair bouncing as he moved. Hamish wondered what they felt like. Were they soft? Probably. It's Randall, I mean, what about him isn't soft? That's when what Randall said finally kicked in.

Hamish's eyes widened and a huge smile stretched across his face as he stood up and ran over to Randall.

"Seriously? How? You didn't cheat, did you?" Hamish asked with a suspicious look.

Randall did a mock offended gasp and put his hand on his chest.

"I would never!" Randall retorted.

Hamish looked down at him with a bitch face.

"Bullshit," Hamish replied.

Randall just ignored it and expressed his excitement by dancing and pulling Hamish along with him.

Hamish happily danced with Randall. They did almost every dance they remembered. They even did the Tango. They were in perfect sync and laughed as they did each one.

Hamish stopped and went to fix himself another drink.

"Hey! Make me one, too," Randall yelled as Hamish went to the mini bar they had in the lounge.

Hamish acknowledged his request with a nod in his direction.

"I swear, that man is a purebred alcoholic," Randall muttered.

"I'm not an alcoholic. I'm an alcohol aficionado," Hamish said loudly.

"Just keep telling yourself that," Randall replied back.

As he waited for his beverage, Randall reminisced on past memories. Specifically, with Hamish.

That time they kissed to get away from Angus and that other girl. Randall had felt something. But, Hamish hadn't shown anything but what he thought was mild disgust towards the topic, so he disregarded it as disturbed feelings.

But now that he was thinking about it, he had always seen Hamish in a different way than he saw Jack, or any other person. Saw him in an almost romantic light.

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