"Uhm, I have healing. Harry and I figured that out quickly." Louis said. Harry and Louis shared a look, and I knew they were having a conversation without me.

"Do you have a power Harry?"

"No," Harry replied weirdly.

"You do. Tell me," I begged.

"No!" harry's voice became deeper than usual. "Now get away from us!" Without thinking I got up and quickly jogged into our beach house. Why did I just do that? Furrowing my brows and scratching the back of my head I walked over to the fridge. All I saw that looked appealing was a bag of carrots. Sighing, I shut the door and walked to my bedroom that I shared with Zayn. He was already asleep when I walked in, so I quickly took my shorts off and put my elixer in the drawer. Since I already had no shirt on, I laid down in my bed and tried to sleep.

Nothing worked.

Hallyn was on my mind. Her beauty stunned me, and every time I thought about it I became breathless. She blew my mind, but there was one thing that she said that wouldn't leave my mind. "I promise you that your powers are great." I whispered in to myself over and over again. Hallyn had this affect on me. It was hard to describe, but it sure did get me tongue tied.

I turned over in my bed constantly. No mater what I tried, I couldn't fall asleep. I wanted to see Hallyn again. I wanted to hold her, kiss her. Most importantly, I wanted to find out what my "power" was. "Niall," a soft voice rang out. It sounded like windchimes blowing in a soft breeze durning the summer. I opened my eyes to see a figure standing in my doorway. The outline of the person automatically told me that it wasn't any on the lads. It was a girl.

"Hallyn?" The was a soft giggle from the doorway. "What are you doing here," I asked as I sat up. Hallyn walked over to my bed and took a seat.

"I wanted to see you." She looked up at me, her eyes meeting mine. "Plus I wanted to tell you something I forgot to tell you." There was a twinkle in her eye that quickly dimmed. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and leanded my head on her shoulder. "You can't kiss anyone, or they'll become a mermaid." My heart sank.

"So you're saying I can't kiss anyone?"

"Well, it wouldn't have an affect on me. I'm already part fish." I perked up once she told me that. Zayn made a noise which caused us to get scared. I wish he'd go sleep on the couch.

"Niall, I'm going to sleep on the couch. My bed isn't comfy." He grabbed his blanket, and trudged out of our room, closing the door behind him.

"That was weird," Hallyn said, and I quickly agreed. That was very weird. I'd wished for him to go sleep on the couch, and he did? That's not soomething you see everyday. She looked back at me, and I gave her a smile. "My house was very boring, so I decided to stop by. I hope you don't mind." I shook my head.

"I don't mind at all." I sigghed. "Honestly, I want to get away from the lads. Everyone's acting strange. Liam gives me strange looks whenever I say something about him in my mind, Harry's voice changes, Louis can heal people, and Zayn leaves a lot." Hallyn made an 'o' chape with her perfectly pink lips.

"You could crash at my place." We shared a look, and I could tell that she really wanted me too. I smiled, and stood up. Hallyn stood up, and laced her fingers with mine. "It's on the other side of the island. Fastest way is to transport." As soon as she said 'transport' we were aready in another house. I guessed it was her's.

"That was fast," I whispered scanning the room we were in. The walls were panted with a nice light blue, and there was fish also painted on it. "You must really like the ocean," I commented. She nodded her head and walked us over to the couch. I instantly felt like I was home.

"You're welcome here anytime. Even when I'm not here." I laid down, and she laid on top of me. "Has anyone ever told you that you have the prettiest blue eyes?" My cheeks started getting hot and she giggled. We shared a smile, and I felt my heart skip a beat.


"Well, I'm gonna tell you again. You have the prettiest blue eyes."

"Thanks," I said as I wrapped an arm around her waist. "It's the only thing I like about myself." She frowned, but didn't reply. Minutes passed by as we laid there with our eyes closed.

"Do you ever feel like a freak," she asked me out of the blue.

"All the time." I replied.

"Well, keep this in mind. You're not." I smiled, and felt myself falling deeper and deeper into sleep. "Goodnight Niall." Hallyn laid her head down so that she was laying on her ear. She laced her fingers with my free hand, and I feel asleep happy for the first time in a while.


Hi guys! Hope you like this update!! :) Hallyn's name is pronounced "Hall-in". Anywhoo HAPPY THANKSGIVING! :DD Comment and vote! I'd love to hear your feedback x)

-DOF xx

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