Pain for Gain

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You ever get that feeling where you're just spiraling down, further into your mind, to the point where you need something to ground you?

I'm guessing you said yes.

It happens to all of us, and for some of us, we turn to pain.

And I know it gets hard sometimes, but please don't do something to hurt you even more.

It always seems like a good idea at the time, like it's the right thing to do, that maybe by cutting yourself, you can wash all the emotional pain away with physical pain.

I thought the same thing too. I have done the same thing.

But then, I remember my friends. I remember how worried o get about them. I realize that none of them are okay, all of them have suffered the same way I have. I have seen my friends cry, seen them broken. I have even seen my friends try to take their lives. And I remember how I felt when I saw this, and I can't go through with it.

So, please find your reason to fight. I know it will be hard, but please, try with me.

And, if you really feel like making yourself bleed, but you feel you aren't strong enough to not do it, I have something that might help.

Get an ice cube, plastic contain or cup or bowl, and red dye. I want you to follow these instructions:
1. Out the ice cube in the container
2. Put some red dye on the ice cube
3. Make sure the ice cube is drenched in the dye
4. Place the red cube on wherever you want and just rub it

This mimics the sight of the blood and might call you down. Please try it.

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