Yuuri always regressed alone, without anyone who played the role of his caregiver. The boy knew those terms because some people from Littlespace Heaven weren't regressors, but the ones who took care of them.

Being little brought him joy, and since Yuuri started slipping into his headspace, it was harder for him to get as easily anxious as before.

That would have to change if he started living with Viktor. Yuuri would have to suppress his little side, because he didn't want to freak his boyfriend out. The mere idea of it was already enough to distress Yuuri, but he also wanted to live with Viktor.

He had ended saying yes to Viktor's proposal.


"I thought you would have more things to bring with you." Viktor commented, as he opened one of the boxes full of Yuuri's things. "Are you sure you packed everything there?"

"Yeah, I didn't have much time to fill my old apartment, you know." Yuuri answered, a shy smile drew on his face. "I brought everything important, even if it isn't much."

They were on the living room, busy with a total of five boxes that contained Yuuri's things from his old home. While they worked, Yuuri was slowly realizing that this was really happening. Before that, living out of his parents' home felt like something temporal.

But now, with his gorgeous boyfriend at his side while they unpacked his belongings, it felt very permanent and too real.

"Do you mind if I open this one too?" Viktor suddenly asked, showing Yuuri one of the boxes.

The Japanese boy froze as soon as he recognized the box Viktor was holding. Yuuri had painted a red X on it, trying to make it look casual, but obvious enough for him to recognize.

It was a box with his little supplies.

The younger male started to sweat nervously, but he tried to hide it from Viktor's eyes.

"N-no, you have helped me enough." Yuuri replied, trying his best to control the nervous tremble of his voice. "I'll finish here, you should take Makka out." he added, and saw sideways how the brown standard poodle tilted her head to the side, as she could see through Yuuri's lies. "The poor girl has been waiting there for a while."

Thankfully, Viktor left the box on the floor, and directed all his attention to the dog. He blinked, and then his gaze was on Yuuri again.

"You sure?" His baby blue eyes were studying the younger male's face. "It doesn't bother me at all to help you unpack everything, detka."

"Don't worry." Yuuri nodded. "I have it covered."

Viktor then got up from the floor, and when he walked past Yuuri, he kissed his head in such a tender way that made Yuuri want to purr.

The Russian left the house with Makkachin a few minutes after that. It wasn't a few seconds after the door closed that Yuuri felt brave enough to open the box with his little things.

A light blue pacifier -the first and only one he had. - laid on top some onesies. There were a few coloring books next to Pipi and Yoyo, the poor duckies squished between the not so many objects. At the very bottom of the box, hidden by the baby blue blanket, were Yuuri's diapers.

Said one felt his face redden at that. God, it could had ended very badly if Viktor had actually opened the box.

Yuuri wrapped his blankie around himself and then he slided his binky between his lips. The little let out a content sigh as he finally had time to use his comfort items. He suckled happily on his paci, but he tried not to get too comfortable.

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