Chapter 1

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Hi guys I'm Zeille Montefalco, I'm just a simple girl who has a crush on our campus his name is Thorzeus. I'm in Grade 12 already and I just transferred here to our school last year. Even though I'm new here, the moment I saw Thorzeus I knew that he is the one for me. They said Thorzeus and his friends are so so bully but for me, Thorzeus is Cool, Kind, Handsome, Talented, and Amazing. Not until I became their target on our campus. They did a lot of bad stuff to me, like what the f*ck?!! What did I do wrong to them?!

I have one best friend here whom I met last year when I transferred to our school and I am lucky to have her in my life because she is always there when I needed her and she also knew that I have a huge crush on Thorzeus.

A few days later Thorzeus's friends still bully me and they are so annoying. But Thorzeus is not and he is still my crush I think he doesn't want to do it. I think he just bullying me because of his friends, even tho it's like that or whatever is the reason he is still my crush. But I don't like the treatment they gave me.

Then one day I was about to sleep when someone message me on my Facebook.

I was shocked because it was Thorzeus!!

Hey, you...

Yes, why? What do you want?


What is it? Tell me what you want cause I am about to sleep so faster... Don't waste my time.

Can you be my date at our acquaintance party?

I was so shocked and can't believe it when I saw his message! My crush asked me if I can be his date at our acquaintance party!

I'm about to reply to him when my phone shut down! Sh*t I forgot my battery is low! Arghhhh! I decided that I'll just reply to him tomorrow...

My mom woke me up, so I go to my bathroom and I took a shower then after that I just wear our school uniform. When I hear my mom calling me.

"Zeille baby breakfast is ready." my mom said

"Yes, mom coming!" My response

I go to the kitchen to eat breakfast after that I said to my mom that I need to go. I just wait at our gate for my service. When my service arrives I immediately go inside.

We are near the school now when I saw Thorzeus at the gate, I think he is waiting for someone or what. Then suddenly I remember that I didn't reply to his message because my phone shut down last night! Arrghhh!

I quickly got off the car then Thorzeus saw me gosh he is so handsome!!

"Hey!" He said.

"Ahmm hi?" I said back.

"Why you didn't reply to my last message on you?" He said with a sad face.

"Ohhh sorry my phone just shut down last night that's why I didn't reply, your friends are coming so I guess I need to go, "I said and quickly get out of there and go to my classroom.

I'm at our classroom door when I open it I saw Lalyx my best friend waving at me. I walk toward there and sit beside her.

"Sissy! I have something to tell you later!!" I said to her.

"Is it about Thorzeus again sissy?!" She said with excitement.

"Yes, sissy!" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Ok let's talk about it later sissy! I'm excited!" She said.

Then our teacher came.


"Ok class dismiss." Our prof said.

After our prof leave the classroom, I faced Lalyx and said to her that Thorzeus message and asked me if I can be his date on our Acquaintance Party.

"I am shocked sissy!! I didn't expect that my crush will notice and invite me to be his date!!" I said to Lalyx.

"OMGGGGGG!!!! Is that true sissy I can't believe it, your crush Thorzeus!!" She said while giggling and smiling.

"But there's sad news sissy about it," I said to her with a sad expression.

"What is it, sissy? Don't tell me you reject him?!" Lalyx said.

"No, no, no sissy," I said to her.

"So what is it?" She asked.

"Last night while we are chatting I forgot that my battery is low so when I'm about to answer his offer and reply to him my phone shut down," I said to her with a sad face.

"It's okay sissy you can answer and talk to him later right?" Lalyx.

"Yeah, but I saw him earlier and I don't think I can bear to face his handsome face. And I didn't answer his offer because his friends were about to come on our way so I just go to our classroom."

"Besides I don't know too what to say to him"

"OMG sissy later if we saw him I'll help you to him okay? This is your opportunity to date your crush so grabbed it." Lalyx said with actions like she is grabbing something in the air.

After we talk about it our next teacher come.

"Good Morning Class!" Ms. Diaz.

"Good Morning Ms. Diaz!" The whole class.

Ms. Diaz is our physics teacher and I like it when she taught us about physics, she makes physics for us easy to understand. We also do funny experiments that are still connected to physics.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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