The Big News

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"Wait what?" I pause and look at him, confused. 

"You got a promotion! You are now over our facility in Los Angeles!" He tells me again, chuckling at me. 

"REALLY!?" I squeal. 

"Yes ma'am! And you start Wednesday!" He says, smiling widely at me. 

I stop for a moment and look at him. "So that means I got to pack and get plane tickets to Cali in one day?" I ask, thinking on how I was going to do that in one night. 

"No, we already have you two tickets, cause I remember you live with your sister so, I got you that all you need is a place to live, but we already emailed you the address to the hotel you and Miss. Lily will be staying in and I will pay for as many days you need to stay there until you find a place I trust that you will be hard working and focused on keeping our facility under control and in order! We have enjoyed having you work here in the office, but I think God had bigger things in mind for you!" I stand up, beaming, shaking Mr. Rivera's hand. 

I say, "Thank you sooo much! I am so happy! But, what about my office supplies? Do I need to pack them?" I beam, shaking in excitement. 

"Nope! We will pack them up and ship them off to Cali when you leave!" He tells me. 

"Oh wow! This is amazing! Lily is going to love this news... But for a different reason.." I say, giggling. 

"Well, I will walk you back to your office!" As we walk I realize that the other offices were empty. I shrugged it off as everyone was in the break room until we reached my office. 

"SURPRISE!" Everyone exclaimed from my office.

"Oh wow! If this isn't lovely! Thank you guys!" After the party, I helped clean and packed a slice of cake, then headed home and told Lily everything. When I walked in she was on my laptop watching, yet again, another Blackbear video. 

"Welcome home sister!" She greets me, pausing the song. 

"Guess what, guess what!!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down, with a goofy smile on my face.

"What, did you meet Blackbear!? Did he say he loved me?!" Lily squealed grabbing her poster of him hugging it.

"Umm... No, he did not," I say weirded out by her. "I got a promotion!"

Lily smiles and nods her head. "That's great sister!" She says, looking back at her screen.

"I know! But, we have to move though.." I say, setting my stuff on the table and taking my shoes off. 

Lily huffed and paused the video again. "Where?" She asks, rolling her eyes, annoyed because she wanted to watch her 'man' in peace.

"We have to move to California.." I say, my stomach growling so I walk to the fridge and grab the left overs from last night and place them in the microwave.

Lily nods again. "Oh cool... Wait, WE ARE MOVING TO CALIFORNIA!?" She squeals and jumps up and down in her seat.

"Yeah, we have to move to Cali." I say, taking the food out from the microwave and sitting at the table with Lily and eating.

"What part of California?" Lily asks, with a huge smile on her face.

I take a bite of my food and roll my eyes. "Los Angeles, duh.."

"REALLY!?" Lily squeals again and I cover my ears.

"Yes. I mean it's the only place the main factory is at." I say, taking another bite of my food.

"When are we moving?" Lily asks, closing out of YouTube and closing my computer.

"We are moving tomorrow, go get packed." Lily stands up and runs upstairs yelling Verbatim at the top of her lungs.

"I swear, she does this the whole flight to California, I'm throwing her off the plane!" I mumble, throwing my plate and fork in the sink and placing the cake in the fridge then walking to her my room.

**Three Hours Later***

After three hours of packing I finally get to lay down and relax. "Karry!!" Lily screams, running into my room. 

"WHAT!?" I snap, due to being tired. 

"I'm hungry!" Lily says, rubbing her stomach. 

I look at her and roll my eyes. "Ok, and?" I ask, flipping through the channels. 

"Let's go get something to eat!" Lily begs, giving me pouty lips. 

I look at her again and roll my eyes. "There is food in the fridge! I need to save up for a house." I say and decide to turn off my TV. 

"I thought your company would buy the house for us!" She says, whining. 

"No, he told me that the company only bought the plane tickets and the hotel for as long as I need, then after I buy the house we pay for everything else..." She looks at me and I give her a sarcastic smile. 

"Oh well... You want anything from the kitchen?" She asks, jumping off my bed and walking out the door. 

"Nope... I'm good!" I say and roll away from the door, quickly falling asleep. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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