Chapter 18: First Mission

Start from the beginning

We stepped out of the car.I'm still scared.But I know Rainbow and the rest of the team are watching us from the agency.I don't know how,though.

There were three of them.Two of them were getting the money while the other one was holding on to an innocent guy dressed up in a suit, pointing a gun to the side of his head.He was threatening the bank manager or something.

"Hey! Drop the money and the gun,now!" Evan yelled.

(what do cops say when they do these things-)

"Heh,you'll have to fight me first.No guns!" One of them said.It was the guy threatening the innocent guy.He let go of him and marched over to us with a wide grin on his face.

Well this isn't gonna go well."What do we do?!" I whisper shouted to Alec and Evan."Quit being a baby and kick this guy's butt!" Evan muttered as a reply.

Robber no.1 (which is the guy picking a fight with us) tries to throw a punch at Alec,since he's the nearest,but he blocks his attak."You two deal with the other guys!" he ordered.

The other two were still getting the money.Almost done,maybe.Me and Evan rushed over to them.But before we could get to them,they put some more money bags in the van and drove off.

"Dammit!" I groaned.Meanwhile,Alec was done fighting that guy and handcuffed him.He reported him to the captain and the rest of the team.

(by the earpiece thingy)

"C'mon,we're following them.Get in the car!"

We all hopped in and Alec started driving really fast.

"This is agent Kyran,reporting in.We caught one of them but the other two got away with the money.So we're chasing them right now.Funneh?"

"Hm.Alright,we're coming."

"What? What do you mean?"

"You'll see.Hold on tight."

"Funneh said they're coming but I don't know what she meant" I said."I think they're coming for back up." Evan exclaimed.

Finally,we caught up to them.We were so close from behind.No other vehicles were there.Just them,and us.But that was what I thought.

The van was about to reach a T-junction road.Until another car,which was similar to this car,came from the other direction,made a spin and blocked the van's way.

(no sense,eh?)

The van stopped in it's tracks.They were trapped.Alec stopped the car too and we step out.Coming out of the other car was the Krew.

I waved my hand at them.Rainbow waved back."Step out of the van.Hands in the air.Now." Funneh yelled.

The two subjects slowly stepped out,their hands in the air.Gold and Draco walked over to them and held on tight on their wrists."Don't even try escaping." I heard Draco whisper to them.

"Since it's your first mission,do the honours of handcuffing these geese." Gold said.I looked at Alec and Evan.They looked at me.We walked closer to them and took the handcuffs from Gold."You guys do it.I already handcuffed someone." Alec insisted.Without further ado,Evan and I handcuffed our first catch.

"So,first mission done.Congrats guys!" Funneh said with a bright smile.We stood outside the bank with Funneh and Rainbow while Lunar,Draco and Gold return the money.

I started feeling a little weird.It's a little embarrassing to say but..

"Umm I need to use the restroom.Any near by?" I asked shyly.Funneh looked around for a moment."I guess you could use the one at our house." Rainbow muttered.She said 'our' house.The Krew has a house?

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