The Babysitter

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Last week, when my friend and I were walking back from school, I asked her if she wanted to come over to spend the night. She only lived a couple of doors down, so we were basically always together. She told me that she couldn't that night since she had to babysit a couple of kids for the whole night. At first, I was a bit suspicious since it was a family I had never met, and in a small neighborhood like ours, everyone knew everybody. She admitted that she too was a little nervous at first, but she took the job anyhow. She asked me if I wanted to join for a couple of hours to keep her company, but I refused and made up some reason as to why I couldn't go. I told her to reach out to me if anything happened and we both went our separate ways. 

Later that night, around midnight, my friend texted me from an ambulance, scared to death, telling me the whole incident. I don't remember much before that since it was a pretty average evening, but the one thing that really stuck with me was the police who had visited us at school earlier that day. They had come to warn us about an old man that had just escaped the local jail and that preyed on young girls. Specifically, girls who babysat during the night. Now you know why I refused in the first place, selfish as it was. I tried to convince my friend not to go as well, but she desperately needed the money to support her family. The story that followed was an absolute nightmare. 

The family that she took the job from had three kids and they were all under the age of eight. So you could only imagine the long and hard night she had. After much time, she finally got the children down to sleep when she sat down to relax and watch some tv. She had hardly just sat down when the phone suddenly rang. Not wanting to wake up the kids and being pissed off that someone was bothering her so late during the night, she answered as fast as she could. All she could hear was deep and heavy breathing that resembled the one of a man, not a single word. Thinking it was just an immature prank, she hung up after a couple of minutes and went back to her show, not worrying much about it.

It was then about ten minutes later when the phone rang once again. She dragged herself to the phone, again, and there was that same breathing, again. Right when she was about to slam the phone down, this time, the person on the other end said something.

"Did you check on the children?" it asked in a creepy rogue voice. Now that scared her right away. She ran up the stairs without even bothering to hang up the phone, leaving it to simply hang off the wall. Thankfully when she got upstairs, all the kids were in their beds, safe and sound. Nothing had happened to them. 

Just as she started to walk out of the room, she heard a door slam shut down the hallway. She jumped back abruptly and froze, too scared to move or to even breathe. After a couple of minutes, she made her way down the dark hallway, as quietly and slowly as she could, leaning against the wall for support. She peeked her head down the stairs, praying that she wouldn't find a figure lurking in the darkness. However, there was nothing there. And all the doors had remained open... 

She went back down the stairs, put the phone back on the wall, and tried to continue watching her show, but with much less ease. Something just wasn't right, she was sure of it. And couldn't seem to shake the feeling that someone else was inside the house. She wasn't alone. Something bad was bound to happen. 

Twenty minutes later, she heard that ring that she had been dreading once again. Don't ask me why but she answered it.

"Why did you leave the children?" it asked in that same frightening tone.

"Just leave us alone" she tried saying in a commanding tone.

She left the phone again and decided to open up all the lights in the house, thinking that if they were on, nothing would go unseen.

"Why turn on the lights? You know that's not going to save you" It said in an innocent but cold voice.

Not believing what she heard she hung up right away and called the police as fast as she could.

They told her that the next time he called, to keep him talking like that they could trace down the call and find out where it was coming from.

And so, she did. The fourth and final time that the strange man called, the police on the other line immediately told her to get out of there as fast as she could. The call was coming from the second floor of the house.

She ran as fast as she could to the second story, grabbed the toddlers, and headed back downstairs. Right before she opened the door, she saw him coming down the stairs with a bloody ax. She ran for her life to the neighbor's house. She tried explaining to them everything that had just happened but couldn't get a single word as she sobbed and sobbed into the arms of the sweet couple that let her in and potentially saved her life. The cops finally arrived about five minutes later, and the crazy man was stopped and put behind bars where he belongs. As for the blood on his ax? To this day, no one really knows where it came from, since no other possible victims were found. But then again, I don't think any of us really want to know. And well, it's safe to say that that was my best friend's last babysitting job ever. 

A-N: Hey loves, this story isn't all mine, some of my friends told me about it and I hope you liked it. :) 

Short Horror StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora