"Hey bi girl!"

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Reading the first chapter helps you understand this one a bit.

The video above is from my yt channel I made for the friend from this story.

  I do this thing, Tequila randomly named it 'wolfing out'
It's when I decide to be an asshole for once in my life, and fucking fight back.


  In 7th grade, I had second load (bus load) with one of my best friends. She's moved halfway across the country now, but we still talk. She's my venting person.

  We would pack up after class, and she'd always go to the bathroom. When I wasn't busy I would go stand in the bathroom and wait for her, specifically because I was really concerned for her safety.

One day, we were in the bathroom talking... outside and just a bit down the hall, stood two boys.

I have always had a very lesbian appearance.

She is out of the closet bisexual.

We exit the bathroom, and start heading back to class, when suddenly, we hear some boy shout, " Hey Bi girl!"

I fucking froze, my brain, in the few seconds it took him to continue talking went, ' Watch your words carefully, hurt her and I'll fucking destroy you.'

No I didn't have a crush on her. I'm just strangely protective over people I care about.

She turned around and looked at the boys.

The second one went, "EEEEWW WERE YOU TWO MAKING OUT IN THE BATHROOM!?" He screeched it.

" First off, I have a girlfriend! Second off, She's straight!" She yelled back.

I lost all control and started walking towards them. The first guy said dramatically, " Oh no! The fucking ugly ass doormat is gonna hurt us!"


I ended up not getting in trouble.

She pulled me away from them before I could finish my threat.

But hey! I dented a locker!

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