13 - Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince

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For once, I was glad to be wrong. She didn't leave.

Instead, she stood up from her seat, pushed her body forward and clasped me in her arms for an embrace as warm as your favorite cardigan.

I sat there in silence, in confusion, in awe, and in bewilderment. Admittedly, mostly in confusion. This wasn't her way of choking me to death out of repressed rage, was it?

"Thank you." her whisper was like a musical orchestra.

"For... what?" 

"For asking." 

Now, I have an answer to the burning questions that filled my head to the brim.

I hugged Elsa back.

✧・゚: - *✧・゚* :・゚- *:・゚✧

Funnily enough, it wasn't just me who met the other's family. Elsa did get to meet Aunt Maudie. 

"Elsa, meet my Aunt Maudie, my... aunt." Stupid. "Aunt Maudie, meet Elsa! My uh..."

My friend?

My crush?

Just say 'friend,' Merida.

Stop overanalyzing everything.

"...my frieush."

"Aye, hello, dear!" 

If Elsa's compliments were snowflakes, she's sending my Aunt Maudie a blizzard.

As they talked— truth be told, it was mostly Porcelain doing the talking— I couldn't help but notice Aunt Maudie's constant glances at somewhere. A tint of red appeared on her cheeks like the same ones I would get when I'm around Elsa. Looks like it runs in the family, huh?

But just what was causing those blushes and awkward sideward glances of hers?

I followed her gaze and found a dude sitting on the table a few meters in front of us with his back turned.


Early thirties. Clear dark skin. Long straight hair. Didn't know he was her type. Leave it to the cosmos to answer how in the literal heck he was able to wear that shirt and not tear it apart on account of his bulky body. Tattoo Man would blow a fuse.

No wonder she was still here, playing dumb by cleaning our table. Apparently, he was also worth the overtime.

There came a point where Aunt Maudie gave up with the glancing and just blankly stared. I filled Elsa in with my observation and with one look, we already knew it was back to matchmaking time for Merida Blythe Van Gogh and Elsa Denise Ellednera.

It wasn't an easy mission that time but let's just say we exited the diner, leaving behind a pair of star-crossed lovers sitting across each other at table twelve, and with the smell of maple syrup and bacon in our hair as we laughed our bums off under the starry night sky.

Once again, everything felt right with the world.

It was just me and her again in the streets of Aurora Creek.

Still in our sparkly cocktail dresses.

Hair down.

Heads up to the heavens.

Smiles on our faces.

Arms linked.

Hearts pounding.

Starry Night ✧ Merida & ElsaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora