Journal 2

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first day of senior year in a small town was different

everyone noticed i was new not something i was looking forward too either i could see the stares and hear the rumors and questions apperantly im a trouble maker who got kicked of of her new school

I guess it's better then daughter of a junky who died after an overdose.

I sat alone at the lunch tables and an annoyingly good attitudes bitch sat right in front of me asking if I'd want to join cheer to my response being

Sorry no I just moved which means I have a lot to catch up on.

Okay well if you do decide to join please let me know again;I am Madison bridges if you have any more questions.
Great I'll let you know
*fake smiles
Ughh I need air

Walks out of the cafeteria sees a boy smoking cigarettes
Oh he's kinda hot

*Approaches him

Hey can I have a cigarette

Sure what's your name sweet heart


Molly what ?

Molly Henderson

Oh shit your mr.Tom Henderson's daughter

That's be me.

End of chapter

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