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() means authors note
"" means speaking
'' means thinking
_ means a time skip

3rd POV
As a crow was flying high in the sky a boy with Burgundy colored hair asked a man and his wife if he could have a basket with straw and bamboo "Your more than welcome for all the good it'll do you the basket is full of holes" the man replied "Thank you I'll gladly pay you for it" The Burgundy haired boy named Tanjiro said "No you don't have to do that we don't need it anyways" the man told Tanjiro waving his hand back and forth "No I insist" Tanjiro replied sternly "No it's find same goes for the straw and bamboo" the man insisted "Let me pay you" Tanjiro yelled reaching in his pocket to grab the money "No it's fine so just take it you stubborn kid" the man yelled at Tanjiro but he didn't listen and slammed the money into the man's hand "take this small offering for the trouble please" Tanjiro yelled then grabbed the stuff and started running away the man behind him clutching his hand with a pained look on his face "thank you so much for your help"Tanjiro yelled back and continued running the man yelled out in pain and dropped the money


(Y/n)'s POV
I sat and watched as Nezuko dug a hole and crawled in it I tilted my head to the side with a confused look she then looked at me and nodded towards the hole I slowly crawled forward and got in the hole with Nezuko she cuddled up to me and I smiled softly and watched her as I slowly fell asleep to the peaceful noises of the forest

(Still (Y/n)'s POV)
I was Awoken by the sound of a voice saying mine and Nezuko's name I opened my eyes And carefully stood up and saw Tanjiro I smiled and waved he smiled back "where's Nezuko?" He asked just them Nezuko Popped up and looked at him with tired eye I put a hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing "hey hold on a sec" he said before going and chopping bamboo and tying straw to the basket fixing it I think once he was done he came in the cave "hey Nezuko do you think you can fit in this basket I wanna keep moving during the day so I can Carry you" she looked at the bag with question Tanjiro pointed to the basket " can you fit in here" he asked pointing to the basket I giggled softly "I think she knows what you meant Tanjiro" I pointed out he blushed and rubbed his neck "right" Nezuko then got out of the hole and pushed her self in the basket but she didn't fit I laughed a little because it was funny "I guess not" Tanjiro said I then had an idea "can she shrink you know like how she got bigger maybe she can get smaller?" I asked then Nezuko flipped the basket up and fell face first in it me and Tanjiro freak out a bit but suddenly she got smaller and could sit in the basket I got out of the hole and sat next to the basket "wow" I said shocked "nice job" Tanjiro said and patted her on the head


3rd person POV
The two kids walked down the trail one with a basket the other with an umbrella
(If you don't want an umbrella you can just ignore it)

3rd person POV The two kids walked down the trail one with a basket the other with an umbrella (If you don't want an umbrella you can just ignore it)

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(Like this But with)

(Like this But with)

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