chapter 1

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        Lennox sat at the kitchen table working on her laptop when Mel walked in slamming the door making Lennox flinch. "hey,Aunt Mel,whats wrong?" Mel looked at Lennox and groaned "do you want to talk about it?" "Talk about what?" "why you're in such a bad mood?" "what makes you think im in a bad mood?" "well,you walked in here and groaned.and thats your third glass of wine,and you've only been here for five minutes,so whats wrong" "nothing's wrong,just that the mayor told me,i dont stand a chance in running for congress and i should just give up" Mel sat down and poured another glass of wine. "what,thats so rude,why would the mayor say that?" "because,she wants to run for congress" "Aunt Mel,thats not fair of her to say that." "Yeah, I know" Mel got up "im already stressed out,im getting piled with papper work,and I-I need a bath so,ill see you later." "okay,Dont drown in the tub!!!" Lennox joked as Mel walked up the stairs. "Hey lennox" Joe said walking in the kitchen. "hey" "what do you want for dinner?" "i dont care,ask Aunt Mel what she wants,shes kinda stressed,she had a bad day. "what happend?" "the mayor told her that she didnt stand a chance at running for congress and she should just give up" "what!,thats so rude,Mel's been working so hard on this,why would the mayor tell her that?" "the mayor wants to run for congress herself,Mels been really stressed latly,Maybe you should go talk to her." "yeah,when i come back,ill make dinner." "okay"

        Mel sat on her bed flipping through channles on the TV,her hair was wrapped up in a towel and she had pappers spred out on the bed. "hey,honey" Joe said walking into their room. "Hi" "so lennox,told me what happend today,do you want to talk about it?" "yeah" Mel cleared her pappers off of the bed and Joe sat down. "so what happend" "the mayor told me I cant run for congress,well she didnt say i couldnt,she said i shouldn't,because she wants to run herself" "Mel,your still going to run right?" "Yes,of course, im going to kick her ass" "Awe,thats the girl I married" Joe put his arm around her "thanks for the talk honey" "Anytime,anything else you need to talk about,Lennox told me you were stressed." "yeah,i am,i have all this paper work i have to do,ive gotten piled with work" "you know, i would help you hon but, i wouldnt know where to begin" "Thanks Joe,but I think i have to do this by myself." "okay,so what do you want for dinner" "I dont know,make whatever you want to" "meatloaf it is,and Mel,if you have a lot of work to do then why are you watching tv?" "because i dont feel like working,but I have to,i have to finish this stuff by tomorrow,so" Mel lifted her papers on the bed, " i should probaly get started. "okay,ill leave you alone,ill let you know when dinners ready." "okay,thanks honey" Joe leaned over and kissed Mel then got up and walked out of the room.

        "so how did it go with Aunt Mel?" Lennox asked as Joe walked down the stairs. "Shes really stressed out,she has a lot of work that has to be done by tomorrow,im really worried about her." "Maybe,she needs a break,you should get her away for the weekend,if all of her stuff has to be done tomorrow,book a place for the weekend to get her mind off things." "Yeah,i think shed like that,where should i take her?" "what about the cabin you went to on your honeymoon?" A look of disgust crossed Joes face, "no,that place was horrible,the person i was with was amazing,and the stuff we did was amazing,but the place was filled with gnats,so it was kinda uncomtable,maybe i should take her to a place in the mountains,or a spa" "take her to a spa for the weekend i think thats just what she needs." "great,ill book it tomorrow." "Joe said with a smile.

        Joe walked into his bedroom and smiled when he saw Mel fast asleep. "honey" Mels eyes shot open. "sorry, i didn't mean to scare you,Are you hungry?,dinners ready" Mel sat up and rubbed her eyes,im not really hungry,plus i need to finish, I have like five more things I have to read over" "is that all you have to do,read stuff" "yeah, theres a meeting tomorrow based on this stuff" "honey,i really just think you should sleep" "i cant" "yes you can,look honey its not good for you to be this stressed, i dont like to see you over worked,also you need to eat" "Joe im fine" "are you sure?" "yes" Mel walked over to joe and gave him a passtionte kiss. "thank you for worrying about you, i love you so much,but ill be fine,promise' "Okay" Joe smiled at Mel and walked out of the room. "Ill be fine" Mel said before calsping on the floor.

Melissa and Joey ffWhere stories live. Discover now