Kylie's Birthday

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*Months Later*

LJ and I have been talking sometime. It's like every day. But it's mainly about Kylie. Every now and then he'll tell me he misses me and he still loves me. For me, I'm not sure myself. I went back to rodeo'n again. Cade and I barely snuck into the top fifteen. We are officially Vegas bound.

Today is Kylie's birthday. My baby is already turning one. LJ said he'll be here. I'm nervous for some reason. Luke and I were setting up for the party. Cody and Tyler went to go get the cake. Cade is blowing up the balloons. I was putting the table cloths on the tables. Apparently LJ had center pieces made, and they were sent to the house. He also wanted a pony ride and clowns here. I told him whatever he wants.

About noon everything started showing up. The bouncey house, pony rides, the clowns, and everything else. Thats a lot of things for a birthday party. But anything for Kylie. I had to park my rigs by the arena, so we can have room for the stuff.

"Hey Jade... what time is LJ suppose to come in" Cade asked

"Uh... another hour.. the party starts at one"

"Than why is there a nice challenger pulling in"


I turned and LJ is driving in. Crap, I'm not even ready yet. I'm wearing a tank top and basketball shorts. Oh well, the tables are almost set.

Once the tables were ready, I took off upstairs.

"I'm gonna get myself and Kylie ready" I told Luke


I grabbed Kylie and ran upstairs. To make things faster, I took a shower with her. She can stand but she has to have support. She stand against my leg, as I washed her. Then a knock came from the door. Shyt!

"Who is it" I said

"Daddy's home" a male voice said

Daddy's home? And then my stomach dropped. Shyt LJ's outside the door. Come on Jade..

"Uh... were almost done" I shouted

"Ugh.. Jade open the door. It's not like I haven't seen you naked... well its been awhile"

"LJ you hush... go away" I said slightly blushing 

"Aww.. don't leave a guy hanging"

"LJ.. go"

"Pwease Jade.... I have my eyes close"

I didn't say anything. I took a quick shower and Kylie was wrapped up in her bath towel. I put on my clothes and then started getting Kylie dressed. I opened the door, and LJ was sitting on the bed.

"Aww.. my beautiful girls" he said

"Uh... mind if we get dressed"

"No... I like watching"

"Well Mr Watch... I got something you can do"

"Kylie cover your eyes... you might be a big sister"

"Quit it... help me get Kylie dressed"

"Fine mom... come on love.. let mommy get dressed"

She grabbed onto his finger and both of em walked out. It was the most adorable thing. No snap out of it Jade. I continue to get ready. Once I did, I walk into Kylie's room. LJ was brushing her hair. I leaned against the door. She was standing and he was sitting on the floor.

"Got it" I asked

He turned and his smile grew wider.

"Let's see if I can make you very pretty like mommy"

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