"You seem to forget that I won the last eight bets."

"Anyway," Sirius continued, ignoring Barry's knowing grin, "Barry and I go back quite a while. We knew each other in Hogwarts, and after telling him about our new... initiative, he has kindly accepted my offer to give you some more professional instruction as to playing Keeper."

"Awesome," Blaise grinned.

They spent the entire afternoon with Barry, practicing saving shots from all directions and all ranges. Barry made sure to spend time working with each of them individually, and had helped Hermione capitalize on her natural flying speed to quickly intercept and, most importantly, catch the Quaffle. Hermione noticed him demonstrating how to use other body parts to block shots, and though she did try her hardest to practice the techniques and master them, she knew that her own playing style would emphasize her catching skills.

The four of them had already started to develop their own Quidditch styles, both individually and as a whole strategy. Depending on who was playing as Keeper, they followed a different strategy throughout the game. In fact, they had tried out so many ideas that they could probably play every match in Hogwarts - three matches for seven years - without ever repeating the same strategy. That wasn't necessary, of course, as it was more practical to perfect the best-working ones.

Over the next few months, Sirius had continuously invited over his old school friends - those he knew personally and trusted to be discrete about their endeavor. All of them spent a day, sometimes two or more, instructing the quartet on their areas of expertise, with Sirius and Remus watching in pride from the side-lines as they continued to unfailingly impress the professionals with their dedication, teamwork and mutual trust.

Nine Years and Eleven Months Old

"Bombarda, Expelliarmus, Depulso, Petrificus Totalus!" Susan muttered, dancing on light feet around the duelling ring.

Her aunt sidestepped the first two spells, but Susan was confident in her aim. As Amelia realized she could not dodge them all, she non-verbally let loose a Shield Charm. Susan expected this, however, and waving her wand, she conjured up a thick veil of smoke, sending it to obscure her aunt's vision before rapidly sending in non-verbal stunners with a couple shield-breakers tossed in just in case. If Susan's plan worked, her mother would have been unable to see what spells she was using, and would shield with no other option. With the shield-breaker preceding her stunners, her aunt would be unable to block her well-placed charms.

Unfortunately, Madam Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, was too good at this to be beaten by her ten-year-old niece.

Waving her wand, she quickly consolidated the smoke into a solid wall, which blocked all of the spells. Using a blasting curse, she smashed it to pieces, sending shrapnel flying and distracting Susan long enough to get her stunned. Susan fell to the ground, stunned, but was quickly awakened by her aunt.

"You were amazing, Susan," she murmured, wrapping Susan in a hug worthy of Helga Hufflepuff herself. "There aren't many who have your level of marksmanship. I'm so proud of you."

"Auntie," Susan protested, "we're only leaving for a month! I mean, Ilvermorny has proper students to take care of - we're only visiting for the summer."

"I may have mentioned this before, but I'm happy, and proud, that you made friends with the right Potter all those years ago. If you hadn't, you would be doing who-knows-what-uselessness instead of attending an exclusive summer training program at Ilvermorny. Even James and Lily Potter do not have the same connections as Remus does."

"Auntie, we all know you don't like the other Potters. You've mentioned it many times."

"And I stand by my opinion," Madam Bones smiled at her niece proudly. "Now go before you're late, study hard, and have fun!"

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